DDD Communication - Adult Waiver Amendment Posted for Public Comment

DDD Communication - Adults with Developmental Disabilities Waiver Amendment Posted
September 7, 2023

The Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) has posted for public comment the waiver amendment for the Adults with Developmental Disabilities Waiver. The HFS Public Notice webpage and waiver amendment posting are online. Those stakeholders wishing to submit comments may do so through October 7, 2023. Those comments may be submitted either electronically or via mail as follows:

Email: HFS.HCBSWaiver@illinois.gov  

Healthcare and Family Services
ATTN: Waiver Operations Management
201 South Grand Avenue East, 2FL
Springfield, IL 62763

The waiver amendment includes the following proposed changes to the Adult Waiver:

Guidehouse Rate Study changes (effective January 1, 2024, subject to the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) approval)

  • $2.50/hour wage increase for Direct Support Professional (DSP) staff
  • 15% Regionalization Factor for Community Day Services (CDS)

24-Hour Stabilization Services

  • Updates the service definition to broaden the service beyond Short-Term Stabilization services to include Long-Term Stabilization services.

There are additional Waiver changes on which the Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) is still working with HFS and federal CMS. Those changes still being worked on and, as such, not included in the posted waiver amendment include:

  • An adjustment to the Occupancy Factor
  • Telehealth services in accordance with Section 5-5a.1 of Illinois Public Aid Code (as passed in Public Act 103-0102)

In addition to the Adult Waiver, DDD also wanted to communicate changes to the Children's Support Waiver (CSW) and the Children's Residential Waiver (CRW). For the CSW, there will be a rate increase for the Self Direction Assistance (SDA) service. In the CRW, there will be rate increases for the child group home rates. These changes have been discussed with HFS and it was determined that waiver amendments do not need to be submitted to federal CMS to implement these changes.

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