Commission on Children of Incarcerated Parents (CCIP)


The Commission shall be responsible for implementing and coordinating the recommendations of the Task Force on Children of Incarcerated Parents.

Commission Requirements:

Training Requirements

Please visit the link above to view the training requirements for this Board/Commission/Committee/Task Force.

CCIP Committees:

CCIP Working Groups:



Regular meetings of the CCIP shall be held at least quarterly. All meetings are open to the public as prescribed in the Illinois Open Meetings Act.


The CCIP is comprised of 24 members including representation from government, individuals working in the field, and those personally impacted by policies related to children of incarcerated parents.

Name Organization
Deputy Chief Kevin Bruno Chicago Police Department
Van Muschler Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board
Michelle Grove Illinois Department of Children and Family Services
Jim Kaitschuk Illinois Sheriffs Association
Chelsey Varela Illinois Lieutenant Governor's Office
Sophia Manuel Illinois Department of Corrections
Sergeant Erin Lanthrip Illinois State Police
Alpa Patel Cook County Public Guardian
Cecilia Ruffin Illinois Department of Juvenile Justice
Dr. Keyuana Muhammad Cook County Sheriff's Office
John Carroll Attorney General's Office
Rachel Koch Law Office of the Cook County Public Defender
Anita Weinberg Loyola University
Alexis Mansfield Women's Justice Institute
Michelle Day Nehemiah Trinity Rising
Jennifer Vollen-Katz John Howard Association
Jada Lesure
Michael Harrell Precious Blood Ministry of Reconciliation

IDHS Administrative Support:

CCIP Administrative Contact: Celeste Johnson -