IL-EATS - Appendix C - CSA Budget Information

Registration in CSA

The CSA Tracking System is where the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) expects all applicant entities to enter their GATA Budget information. It is also where IDHS staff will review and act on the proposed budget.

Applicants must be registered in the CSA Tracking System to enable the applicant to submit a signed budget in CSA by the application due date. For instructions on registering in CSA, refer to How to Register in CSA.

For additional help and step by step instructions, refer to Instructions on registering in CSA.

When submitting an application, the applicant entity's proposed budget must be entered into the CSA system. The completed budget must be electronically signed and submitted in the CSA system, and a printed copy of the signed and submitted budget must be included with the application.

To do this, the following is required: at a minimum, the applicant organization's Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or equivalent, or the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) or equivalent must be registered in the CSA system to electronically sign the required budget documents prior to submission.

Refer to Process for Adding GATA Budget Signoff Authority

While registration in CSA is not part of the prequalification process, successful applicants will NOT be issued an award without a fully approved budget in the CSA System.

Furthermore, if the Uniform Grant Budget is not entered, signed, and submitted in the CSA system by the application due date and time, 5 points will be deducted from the Budget Narrative section.

It may take several days to complete the registration process so do not wait until the application due date to begin the process.