01.03.10.d – PSCC: Parenting Youth in Care

Effective Date: 10/1/2023


Reference: P.A. 102-0926

Cross Reference: CCAP Policy 01.03.10 - CCAP Protective Services Child Care (PSCC)

Policy Statement

  1. Families participating in the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) Parenting Youth in Care program that apply for the Child Care Assistance Program will be approved for CCAP until leaving the DCFS program regardless of income or whether they are working or participating in Department-approved employment or education or training programs.
  2. Parenting Youth in Care families will be approved for an additional 12-month CCAP eligibility period after their DCFS case is closed.
  3. "Parenting Youth in Care" eligibility is determined by DCFS.

Referral Process

  1. DCFS/contracted agencies will usually email the CCAP application and a referral form to the identified CCR&R DCFS liaisons.
  2. Site providers receiving Protective Service applications can either follow CCAP Protective Services policies and procedures to process the case, or can forward the documents to the CCR&R to process.
  3. If a Site is caring for a family that is approved as a CCAP Protective Service case by the CCR&R, they may transfer it to their CCMS caseload if they would like it managed under the Site contract.

Eligibility Criteria and Co-payment

  1. There are no employment or education/training requirements for families approved as Parenting Youth in Care, including the 12 months following closure of the DCFS case.
  2. There is no income or assets limit for Parenting Youth in Care cases.
  3. Copayments for Parenting Youth in Care cases will be waived for the entire eligibility period the DCFS case is open as well as the 12-month period following closure of the DCFS case.

Provider Requirements

  1. Providers must meet all CCAP eligibility criteria (background checks, health and safety training, provider registration documentation…) as described in CCAP Policy Manual Sections 05.01.01 through 05.05.01.
  2. If a provider listed on the CCAP application does not meet CCAP qualification, the case should be approved using the "No Qualified Provider" CCMS ID (460328258720008).
    1. The CCR&R must issue a Request for Additional Information to inform the provider what is needed to become qualified.
    2. A Change of Provider packet should also be issued to the family.
    3. If the family needs assistance finding a new provider, they should be referred to the CCR&R parent services for a provider search within five business days.

Documentation Requirements

  1. IDHS Child Care CCAP Application (IL444-3455)
    1. "DCFS Parent in Care may be marked as the Reason for Care, but is not required to be, and
  2. IDCFS CFS 2000- Parenting Youth in Care/CCAP Referral Form.
  3. Requests for Additional Information (RAI) should only be sent to the applicant for the following:
    1. Contact information (3455 Section 1).
    2. Child information needed to establish the case in CCMS.
    3. Child Care Provider Information and Legal Care Arrangement (3455 Section 6).
    4. Child Care Provider's Signature (3455 Section 7).
    5. Parent/Guardian's Signature (3455 Section 8).
  4. If "DCFS Parenting Youth in Care" is marked as Reason for Care on the CCAP application, but there is no DCFS referral form, issue a Request for Additional Information to the applicant.
    1. If the referral form is not returned within 10 business days, continue to process the CCAP application as a non-Protective Service case.
    2. If a referral form is received later than 10 days from the request, re-evaluate the case and approve as a Parenting Youth in Care case, including eliminating the monthly co-pay amount in CCMS.
  5. Contact DHS.CCAP.POLICY@illinois.gov if documentation other than the CFS 2000 Parenting Youth in Care referral form is submitted with that Reason for Care marked on the CCAP application. 

Eligibility Periods

  1. Eligibility periods for Parenting Youth in Care cases will begin on the date the DCFS Parenting Youth in Care case was opened according to the referral letter, or the date care is being requested on the IL444-3455 if later than the DCFS enrollment date.
  2. Parenting Youth in Care cases must be approved for a minimum of 12 months. 
    1. Eligibility periods must end on the last day of a month when establishing the eligibility for new applications and redeterminations
    2. To ensure at least 12 months of eligibility are approved: Cases that are approved starting on the first day of a month will be approved through the last day of the 12th month.
    3. Cases that are approved any day other than the first must be approved until the last day of the 13th month.
  3. CCAP Parenting Youth in Care cases are to remain eligible for at least 1 year after leaving the DCFS program.  DCFS Parenting Youth in Care cases remain open until the parent turns 21.


  1. CCMS will generate a Request for Redetermination form approaching the end of the 12-month eligibility period.
  2. If a Redetermination is not entered into the CCMS by the beginning of the 12th month of eligibility, a cancellation notice will be automatically generated with an effective date of the end of the eligibility period.
  3. If the Redetermination is returned with "Parenting Youth in Care" marked for the Reason for Care, approve a new 12-moth eligibility period as Protective Services as long as the parent is 22 years old or younger.
  4. Parenting Youth in Care cases are to be approved for 1 additional 12-month eligibility period after they turn 21 years of age.
  5. The redetermination following the last Protective Service approval period must met all standard CCAP eligibility criteria for a new application.