DDD Communication August 7, 2023

DDD Communication
DSP/ICF Aide Wage Attestation
August 4, 2023

During the Spring 2022 legislative session, the Illinois General Assembly passed and Governor J.B. Pritzker signed Public Act 102-0944. This legislation, effective January 1, 2023, provides that the State require providers licensed under the ID/DD Community Care Act (Intermediate Care Facilities (ICFs) and Medically Complex for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities (MC/DD) facilities) and under the Community-Integrated Living Arrangements Licensure and Certification Act (Community-Integrated Living Arrangements (CILAs)) to certify that all legislatively or administratively mandated wage increases have been and are being passed on to ICF Aides (aides) and Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) as prescribed by the State, in this case Public Act 102-0699.

As a reminder, Public Act 102-0699 required the following as it relates to the wage increases effective January 1, 2023, as approved by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS):

  • For Waiver-funded providers including CILA (24 Hour, Host Family and Intermittent) and Enhanced Residential (37U):
    • Wage increases of $1.00 per hour for DSPs, with at least $0.50 (50%) to be provided as a $0.50 per hour direct increase to all DSP wages, with the remaining $0.50 (50%) to be used flexibly for wage increases for DSPs and other frontline staff not covered by the federal Department of Labor (DOL) Bureau of Labor Statistics' (BLS) mean hourly wage increases; and
    • Wage increases for all non-executive direct care staff, excluding DSPs, to the DOL BLS mean hourly wage based on the same or similar occupation title.
  • For ICF and MC/DD providers:
    • Wage increases of $1.00 per hour for all aides and all other frontline personnel not subject to the DOL BLS mean hourly wage increases, with at least $0.50 (50%) to be provided as a $0.50 per hour direct increase to all aide base wages, with the remaining $0.50 (50%) to be used flexibly for base wage increases to the rate methodology for aides; and
    • Wage increases for all non-executive direct care staff, excluding aides, to the DOL BLS mean hourly wage based on the same or similar occupation title.

In implementing this requirement, the State has created the following Wage Attestation Forms:

  1. Fiscal Year 2023 Waiver Wage Attestation Form (7/1/2022 to 6/30/2023)
  2. Fiscal Year 2023 ICF and MC/DD Wage Attestation Form (7/1/2022 to 6/30/2023)

The form should be completed by an Authorized Agency Representative for your organization. The form should be completed one (1) time per organization, unless as provided below. If your organization provides Waiver-funded CILA services, please complete the Waiver Wage Attestation Form. You will be required to complete the form 1 time for all CILA services you provide. Please check the appropriate boxes on the form that correspond to the services your organization provides. If your organization provides ICF or MC/DD services, please complete the ICF and MC/DD Wage Attestation Form. You will be required to complete the form 1 time for all ICF or MC/DD services you provide. Should your organization provide both CILA and ICF and/or MC/DD services, you will be required to complete each form.

All forms must be completed by Friday, September 8, 2023.

Should you have questions about the completion of the form, please reach out to the Division of Developmental Disabilities at DHS.DDDComments@illinois.gov.

The information contained herein should not be considered a substitute for the appropriate official statutes, rules, regulations, or the advice of legal counsel.