Supporting Municipalities for Asylum Seeker Services

$42.5M was included in the State's FY24 budget for municipality funding of asylum seeker services

Section 570. The sum of $42,500,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for grants and administrative expenses associated with legal representation, technological assistance, shelter, transportation, basic health and first aid, food, case management, COVID-19 testing, interpretation and translation services, and workplace readiness for asylum seekers in the approximate amount below:

Definition of "Asylum Seeker"

The definition of "asylum seeker" for the purposes of the $42.5M appropriation is as follows. (This eligibility definition may differ in other contexts.)

"Asylum seeker is defined as "an individual who crossed the Mexico/U.S. border on or after August 1, 2022, with the intent to stay permanently, and who does not possess any permanent or interim U.S. legal status (which does not include being in parole status), such as legal permanent residency, a student or work visa, etc."

Use of Funds

The $42.5M will be restricted to the following services directly impacting asylum seekers.

  • Shelter and Housing Support
  • Food
  • Wraparound Services
  • Legal Support
  • Healthcare

These funds will be made available to municipalities and/or providers working in partnership with municipalities.

Communities already serving AS will be prioritized as well as cross-sector applications.

The funds can cover allowable costs during State Fiscal Year 2024, which starts on July 1, 2023, and ends on June 30, 2024.

Distribution of Funds

  • In partnership with the Illinois Department of Human Services, the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus will administer a competitive Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) to be released shortly. 
  • It is anticipated that award notification will be made before the end of September 2023. Pre-award allowable expenses could be retroactive to July 1, 2023.