As a result of the annual review of the State utility standards, FNS approved a decrease to the SNAP utility standards as follows:
Household Size
Maximum Gross
Income Standards
165% FPL
200% FPL
Maximum Net
100% FPL
Each Add'l
The Maximum Excess Shelter Deduction has increased to $672.
The Homeless Shelter Standard has increased to $179.
The Basis of Issuance Table is being revised to reflect the increase in SNAP benefit amounts. Staff will be notified when the table becomes available.
PM 13-01-08
WAG 04-05-02
WAG 06-04-03
WAG 13-01-01
WAG 13-01-01-a
WAG 13-01-01-b
WAG 13-01-04
WAG 13-01-07
WAG 13-01-08
WAG 13-01-08-b
WAG 13-02-00
WAG 25-03-02 (1) SNAP
WAG 25-03-02
WAG 25-06-05-a (1)
WAG 25-06-05-b(1)
WAG 25-06-05-b(2)
WAG 25-06-05-c
WAG 25-06-05-d
[signed copy on file]
Grace B. Hou
Secretary, Illinois Department of Human Services
DHS 124
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