Administrative Rule Part 2060.314 - Exception for COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing Requirements
Effective May 11th, 2023, Governor J.B. Pritzker ended the COVID-19 Pandemic Declaration for the state of Illinois. As a result, Director Laura Garcia of the Division of Substance Use Prevention and Recovery (SUPR) can now grant a blanket exception to the requirements currently specified in Administrative Rule, Part 2060 regarding COVID-19 vaccination and testing.
Individual organization requests are no longer required and SUPR compliance staff will no longer monitor these requirements. This blanket exception is effective as of May 11, 2023 and will remain so until Section 2060.314 is repealed as part the current proposed amendment process.
Thank you for your past attention to and compliance with these critical requirements that helped protect staff and patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. Questions should be directed to the SUPR Help Desk at