DDD Communication June 23, 2023

DDD Communication
June 23, 2023


The Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) is aware that some Community-Integrated Living Arrangement (CILA) providers have had vouchers dated June 9, 2023, or June 16, 2023, not process through to the Comptroller's Office in the usual timely manner. A billing issue occurred between processing providers vouchers and sending the voucher information through the payment systems to the Comptroller. At this time, the issue has been identified and corrected. Vouchers dated June 9, 2023, and June 16, 2023, are likely to finish reprocessing through the payment system by close of business today, June 23, 2023. This means those payments should be through to the Comptroller by early next week. If by next week, a provider does not see their missing voucher(s) on the Comptroller's website, please contact DDD via DHS.DDDComments@illinois.gov. At this time, NO re-billing is required.


As DDD has previously announced, effective July 1, 2023, the Region H ISC, Champaign County Regional Planning Commission (CCRPC), will no longer be an ISC agency. DDD worked with CCRPC and the surrounding ISC agencies on the transition of individuals and families to the new ISCs. Below is the breakdown of Region H amongst the three (3) ISC agencies. If there are questions, please reach out to DHS.DDDComments@illinois.gov.

County ISC Agency Serving the County July 1, 2023 Contact Phone Number
Champaign, Ford, Iroquois, Vermilion Prairieland Service Coordination, Inc. 217-362-6128
Mason, Tazwell, Woodford, McLean Central Illinois Service Access (CISA) 217-732-4731
Lasalle, Putnam, Bureau, Marshall Service, Inc. Region A 815-339-0740
Livingston Service, Inc. Region F 815-741-0800


DDD has and will continue to focus on offering choice for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities in the services and supports available while at the same time strengthening the community-based system as the Olmstead decision requires. Over the last several years, the state has made historical investments in its community-based system including:

Yesterday, June 22, 2023, was the 23rd anniversary of the Olmstead vs. LC (Olmstead) decision! On this date in 1999, the Supreme Court of the United States declared that the unjustified segregation of people with disabilities is discrimination and in violation of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The Supreme Court held that public entities must provide community-based services to persons with disabilities when such services are appropriate, when the persons do not oppose community-based treatment and when community-based services can be reasonably accommodated taking into account the resources available.

DDD has and will continue to focus on offering choice for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) in the services and supports available while at the same time strengthening the community-based system as the Olmstead decision requires. Over the last several years, the State has made historic investments in its community-based system including:

  • From FY17 to FY24, DSP wages will have gone from $10.71/hour to $19.50/hour statewide and $22.43/hour for Chicagoland (as of January 1, 2024, pending CMS approval).
  • In FY24, the State is estimated to spend $1.92 billion on the community-based system of care in DDD via the 3 I/DD waivers (Adult Waiver, Children's Residential Waiver and Children's Support Waiver)
  • Since FY16, the State funding for HCBS waiver services has increased by 89% ($900 million). Since FY19, funding has increased by 66% ($760 million).
  • The State has significantly decreased the number individuals waiting on the PUNS list with individuals now waiting less than the 60 months for services which met Ligas Reasonable Pace early. In FY24, DDD is funded to place 700 adults into services through the Adult Waiver.
  • In FY24, DDD is building on the FY23 PUNS selection for Children's Home-Based Support Services (CHBS), with funding to place 500 children into CHBS.
  • In FY23, the State started funding a program whereby DDD's ISC agencies are doing outreach into ICFs and SODCs to education individuals and families on community-based service and support options.
  • The State has prioritized employment through partnerships with the Division of Rehabilitation Services (DRS) as well as grants focused on expanding capacity to support individuals in competitive integrated employment.
  • In the first year of the Housing Navigator program, 26 people have found independent housing, more than 200 have been added to the Statewide Referral Network or other housing lists, and the State's ISC agencies have connected with 90 landlords.

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