WAG 08-01-05-d: Onetime Retroactive Relief Payment

Two groups of children may be eligible for a onetime retroactive relief payment:

  • children included in an optional earmarking TANF cash unit, and
  • SSI children.

NOTE: Ineligible children are not eligible for a onetime retroactive relief payment.

  1. (FCRC)  Check the appropriate box on the Authorization to Request Earmarked Child Support (Form 2864):
    • optional child,
    • SSI child, or
    • ineligible child.
  2. (DCSE) Reviews the case for retroactive relief payment eligibility after receiving Form 2864 when:
    • a client asks for earmarking for a child in an optional earmarking TANF cash unit, or
    • a TANF Cash, All Kids Assist, or Moms and Babies unit includes a child receiving SSI.
  3. (DCSE) Sends the client a special onetime only retroactive relief check if the case meets the criteria.
  4. (FCRC)  Treat a onetime retroactive relief payment as exempt income. The client does not have to report the receipt of the payment.
  5. (FCRC)  Refer a client with questions about retroactive payments to:

    Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services
    Division of Child Support Enforcement
    P.O. Box 2127
    Springfield, IL 62705