Choate Transformation Initiative
Why is this change happening?
Every person deserves quality care and the opportunity to thrive. Despite many positive changes, more can be done to support person- first, community-focused care for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Illinois.
While IDHS is not closing Choate, we recognize that this represents a transition away from Choate as a home for many people. IDHS is investing heavily in all settings for people with I/DD to ensure that the settings are optimized to provide the best possible care. As a system, we know that investing in and focusing on quality and in ensuring we meet our workforce needs, we will ultimately improve the experience of all of our residents.
Which residents will be affected?
All, Choate residents within Cedar Lower/Upper Units and Cypress Upper/Lower units will be offered the opportunity begin planning potential transitions first. We know that some residents have already expressed interest in community placement, and those residents will be prioritized.
We are in the process of evaluating the potential transfer of residents living in the forensic I/DD unit (Sycamore Lower), the related "stepdown" unit (Sycamore Upper), and the two dual diagnosis units (Redwood/Dogwood) in partnership with SIU School of Medicine. To the extent it is feasible, it is our hope that we will be able to safely transition residents in these units as well.
Where will residents go?
We will facilitate careful, orderly transfers of residents to community-based settings, Intermediate Care Facilities, and other State Developmental Centers. We will put resident choice, well-being, and dignity at the center of every step in the process.
Every Choate resident will have the opportunity to work closely with our newly established Family Support Team to determine their preference for placements. Some residents have already expressed interest in transitioning to the community and those resident preferences will be prioritized. For SODC transfers, both Shapiro (Kankakee) and Murray (Centralia) Developmental Centers will be optimized to accommodate additional residents.
When will changes happen?
Resident transitions will be thoughtful and gradually take place over the next three years. Transition timing will depend on the individual and ensuring their needs are met. Likely the first to move will be those who have already expressed interest in moving to a community setting as well as those ready to be placed at another SODC.
What will happen to the Choate campus?
IDHS has engaged in a partnership with SIU School of Medicine (SOM) and the SIU-led Behavioral Health Workforce Center to make recommendations regarding the future uses of the Choate Developmental Center. SIU SOM will evaluate whether the forensic I/DD unit (treating persons declared unfit to stand trial or not guilty by reason of insanity), the related "stepdown" unit, and the two dual diagnosis units should continue to operate on campus or elsewhere.
SIU SOM will examine potential opportunities to strengthen and expand the mental health center at Choate. In addition, they will evaluate the best ways for the Choate campus and its workforce to meet crucial behavioral health (and related) workforce needs in Southern Illinois. SIU's first set of recommendations will be presented by June 2023.
Who can I talk with to get more information?
We are prepared and glad to collaborate closely with families on this important, sensitive, personal change. Every individual transition will be supported by a comprehensive Family Support Team that includes DDD staff and case managers who work for Independent Service Coordination (ISC) agencies.
This Family Support Team, created by IDHS and the Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities will provide peer support, resources, and friendship for those experiencing fear and/or uncertainty. We encourage you email your questions to In addition, your specific staff contacts for this effort will be:
Bryant Davis, Facility Director
Melissa Reynolds, Transition Coordinator