03/14/23 Letter to Families and Guardians


Dear Choate Families and Guardians,

The Illinois Department of Human Services deeply values the residents and patients of the Choate Mental Health and Developmental Center and prioritizes their health, safety, and well-being above all else. Today we write to share important early information about a transformation initiative at Choate that we believe will best serve residents, patients, families, staff, the Southern Illinois community, and the State of Illinois.

Every person with an intellectual or developmental disability deserves quality care and the opportunity to thrive. Despite many positive changes, more can be done to support person-first, community-focused care for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Illinois.

That is why, over the next several years, IDHS plans to transform and repurpose parts of the Choate Mental Health and Developmental Center. As a part of this, many of Choate's residents will have the opportunity to transition to new homes - including other State Developmental Centers such as Murray and Shapiro Center, CILAs, or ICFs.

IDHS will be carefully repurposing parts of the campus. As a part of this repurposing, the psychiatric hospital operations at Choate will expand. In addition, the forensic I/DD unit (treating persons declared unfit to stand trial or not guilty by reason of insanity), the related "stepdown" unit, and the two dual diagnosis units will be evaluated by SIU School of Medicine to determine whether they should continue to operate on campus or elsewhere. To the extent it is feasible and subject to SIU's evaluation, it is our hope that we will be able to safely transition residents in these specialized units as well.

While IDHS is not closing the facility, we recognize that, for many residents with I/DD, this represents a transition away from Choate as their home. IDHS is investing heavily in our other SODC locations to ensure that these locations are optimized to provide the best possible care to anyone who transitions there. As a system, we know that by investing in and focusing on quality and ensuring that we meet our workforce needs, we will ultimately improve the experience of all our residents.

The safety and well-being of Choate residents is the foremost priority in this transformation. Resident transitions will be thoughtful and gradually take place over the next three years. Individual transitions will occur slowly, and in close coordination with residents themselves, their families and/or guardians, as well as DDD staff and the case managers who work for Independent Service Coordination (ISC) agencies. Transition planning will put resident choice, well-being, and dignity at the center of every step in the process. Together we will facilitate positive changes to serve the best interest of families.

We are prepared and glad to collaborate closely with families on this important, sensitive, personal change. Each resident and family will receive a phone call within the next two weeks to hear your thoughts, wishes, and concerns about this transition process. In addition, to ensure this process is carried out in a safe, caring, and coordinated fashion, IDHS and the Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities have established a Family Liaison Team to

provide peer support, resources, and friendship for those experiencing fear and/or uncertainty. This team will be meeting twice weekly over the next several years to ensure that all resident transition needs are managed holistically. We want you to take full advantage of this service. To reach the FLT, call Melissa Reynolds, Transition Coordinator at 815-677-0107 or email dhs.dddfamilysupport@illinois.gov.

We thank you for your ongoing support as we work to best serve the needs of your loved ones. We will share additional information regarding this transformation as it develops - and we invite you to write or call us with your hopes, ideas, and/or concerns. Please contact Bryant Davis at 618-697-7487 or bryant.davis@illinois.gov.


Grace Hou

Secretary, Illinois Department of Human Services