SUPR Newsletter May 2023

May 2023 Newsletter

National Prevention Week- May 7-13, 2023:

National Prevention Week is a time for communities and organizations to come together nationwide and raise awareness about the importance of substance misuse prevention and mental health.

In anticipation of National Prevention Week, May 7-13, 2023, SUPR funded substance use prevention organizations across Illinois are busy planning and coordinating events and activities to support this national campaign. Such activities currently being planned include (but are not limited to) Prevention Bingo, school assemblies, radio and social media promotions, poster contests, community informational fairs, pizza box sticker campaigns, 5K awareness walks/runs, community ice cream socials, Chalk the Walk, and so much more.

If you are interested in finding out what great activities are being planned in your area, please contact your local substance use prevention organization utilizing the statewide SUPP Directory.

For additional information about National Prevention Week, please visit SAMHSA Prevention Week.

Community Reinforcement Approach (CRA) Training:

IDHS/SUPR is pleased to announce a training opportunity for clinical and clinical supervisory staff in the Community Reinforcement Approach- an evidence-supported intervention for patients with substance use disorders, including opioid and stimulant use disorders. Please share with clinical staff at your organization, as well as other licensed provider organizations.

When: May 10th-12th 2023

For additional information about CRA training and certification, please contact

Upcoming Gambling Trainings:

In-person 30-Hour Problem Gambling Basic Training

This training provides comprehensive knowledge and skills training using evidence-based approaches to address the issue of problem gambling in clinical, prevention and public health settings.

When: May 15th-18th, 2023

In-person 30-Hour Problem Gambling Advanced Training

This 2-day advanced training will be packed with all the information you need to know to take your knowledge about Problem Gambling to the next level.

For more details on each training and how to register, visit Illinois Council on Problem Gambling.

2023 CRSS/CPRS Competency Training Registration Information:

The Illinois Department of Human Services/Division of Mental Health (IDHS/DMH) announced that registration is now open for all 6 Certified Recovery Support Specialist (CRSS), Certified Peer Recovery Specialist (CPRS) Competency Training Sessions!

There are 3 options for each Session. Attached you will find a document titled 2023 CRSS/CPRS Competency Training which provides more details information on the specific modules and learning objectives for each Session.

To register, visit 2023 CRSS/CPRS Competency Training. Once you register for a session, you will receive your WebEx link via e-mail for that Session. Don't forget to register for ALL the sessions you are interested in!

Event Contact:

Thomas Troe, Recovery Support Specialist II

DMH- Bureau of Wellness & Recovery Services 

COVID-19 Mitigation Supplies- New Opportunity:

IDHS/SUPR is pleased to inform you of a new opportunity to obtain COVID mitigation supplies and resources in FY23 at no cost! This opportunity is only available to IDHS/SUPR licensed and funded treatment organizations, recovery homes and recovery support service programs.

With funding from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) to support COVID-19 mitigation efforts, IDHS is again offering supplies to protect and prevent the spread of COVID-19 in substance use disorder (SUD) treatment centers, recovery homes and recovery support programs. This project supports the purchase and distribution of COVID-19 abatement supplies and makes them available to SUPR funded and/or licensed organizations including recovery support programs. IDHS reminds providers that these supplies can help reduce the spread of COVID-19 and the spread of the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), various influenza viruses, and other viruses that cause the common cold.

Prevention First, an IDHS/SUPR grantee, administers this project and serves as the "hub" for organizations to access COVID-19 abatement supplies at no cost using an online ordering system called Shopify.

Available supplies include:

  • Diagnostic Testing: Instant COVID-19 self-testing kits (e.g., iHealth COVID-19 test).
  • Personal Protective Equipment: PPE is equipment such as masks, gloves, and face shields worn to minimize exposure to COVID-19 and other communicable diseases.
  • Sanitation Equipment: Sanitation products such as disinfectant solvents and gloves.
  • Mobile Air Purification Systems: Air purification systems for use in small to mid-sized rooms for those organizations providing in-person group visits/activities.

Organizations initially received a specific allocation amount for FY23, predetermined by IDHS, that was loaded into their Shopify accounts. For the fourth quarter of FY23, we have reallocated resources and SUPR organizations can order as many supplies as needed on a first come, first-serve basis. These supplies will be available until FY23 resources have been depleted or the deadline to order has been reached.

You can log into your current Shopify account to order additional supplies. If this is your first order, please follow the instructions to set up your Shopify account. If you need assistance logging in or have questions regarding this project, please contact Prevention First at The deadline to order FY23 supplies is Friday, June 16, 2023. This deadline is subject to change depending on the number of supplies available and participation.

RSUPICs Update:

As part of our announcement in last month's newsletter, The Bureau of Prevention Services' Substance Use Prevention Program would officially like to introduce the Regional Substance Use Prevention Integration Centers (RSUPICs). Effective April 1, 2023, the Bureau-in collaboration with The Division of Family and Community Services Office of Community and Positive Youth Development-awarded a total of six grants representing each of the five IDHS regions and one additional to work exclusively in the City of Chicago. Based on their prevention knowledge, previous performance, and strong ties within their communities, the following providers were selected for each region:

  • The City of Chicago - Public Health Institute of Metropolitan Chicago
  • Region 1 - Kenneth Young Center
  • Region 2 - Lake County Health Department
  • Region 3 - Rosecrance, Inc.
  • Region 4 - Family Guidance Center, Inc.
  • Region 5 - Chestnut Health Systems, Inc.

These providers will focus on assessing and integrating substance use prevention into existing youth serving programs under the Office of Community and Positive Youth Development and all other interested youth serving programs within their region and Chicago utilizing the most appropriate Center for Substance Abuse Prevention strategy.

Alcohol and Illinois:

The CDC has published state specific data regarding alcohol use. Even though some of the data is positive compared to national data it still highlights the significant number of Illinois residents who die annually, higher than the annual number of residents who die of an opioid overdose. We do not highlight alcohol to compare one substance with another, since one death from any substance is too many, but to highlight the multiple fronts we all must continue working on to reduce the impacts of substances on Illinois residents. We are also including an alcohol educational resource for healthcare professionals. Please share with your Medical Directors and other healthcare professionals you may know.

Problem Gambling Awareness Month (March) Recap:

During the month of March, IDHS/SUPR in collaboration with the Illinois Council on Problem Gambling (ICPG) the National Council on Problem Gambling (NCPG) and designated Gambling Treatment and Outreach Providers of Illinois dedicated the month to spreading awareness about problem gambling throughout Illinois.

Problem Gambling Awareness Month (PGAM) is designed to help raise awareness of the prevention, treatment, and recovery services available for those adversely affected by gambling. IDHS/SUPR organizations participated in several awareness activities:

  • IDHS/SUPR lit the Chicago Skyline teal during the week of March 20-26, 2023, to honor PGAM.
  • IDHS/SUPR, in collaboration with Way Back Inn and a5 Branding & Digital, sponsored the first "Are You Really Winning? Campaign and Public Art Competition for Problem Gambling Awareness. This competition was established to bring attention to a statewide educational campaign addressing problem gambling.
  • Participated in National Screening Day-March 14, 2023, across the state.
  • Collaborated with 9 Casinos throughout Illinois to offer GBIRT gambling screening on site to patrons visiting the casino on National Screening Day.

OTP Programs:

SAMHSA is updating the November 2021 Guidance in full by revising the standards applicable to OTP provision of methadone for unsupervised use. This newly revised April 2023 Guidance will be effective upon the expiration of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency and will remain in effect for the period of one year from the end of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency, or until final rules revising 42 C.F.R part 8 are published, whichever occurs sooner. Please visit Methadone Take-home Flexibilities Extension Guidance for more information.

Representatives from SUPR, Chestnut Health Systems, local health departments, and other agencies attended the National Rx and Illicit Drug Summit in Atlanta!

Recovery Trainings:

IDHS/SUPR has partnered with Faces and Voices of Recovery to assist in the expansion of recovery community organizations (RCO) across the state.

Part of this expansion involves providing free trainings to providers and community stakeholders on recovery topics. For more information about Faces and Voices Illinois project, training calendars, and registration information, please visit Illinois Recovery Project.

Please share these trainings widely within your agencies and communities. If you have questions or would like to discuss starting a recovery community organization in your community, please contact Kim Sriner at .

COVID-19 Exceptions:

A gentle reminder that COVID-19 exceptions are still in effect and have no expiration date currently. Services delivered through Telehealth are still acceptable.

Please review the Provider Notice from the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) dated March 20, 2020, "Telehealth Services Expansion Prompted by COVID-19"IDHS/SUPR has also sent several communications regarding the COVID-19 Exception that you can review.

Recovery Residences Registry

The IDHS/SUPR Recovery Residence Registry has been moved to the Illinois Helpline for Opioids and Other Substances to simplify public inquiries for Recovery Residence. Information in the registry helps IDHS/SUPR better understand recovery residences' capacity and support for Medication Assisted Recovery. If you partner with a residence that is not listed, please invite them to register and/or contact to list the organization. Search the Recovery Residences Registry at any time

Overdose Response Funding Updates:

SUPR publishes a quarterly report summarizing funded projects in response to the overdose crisis. We invite you to review the Overdose Response Funding Report at your convenience.

Smart Alerts and Other Communications:

DHS Coronavirus

SAMHSA COVID-19: The health, safety, and well-being of all those we serve are amongst our highest priorities. Please visit the State of Illinois Coronavirus page.

Summary of SUPR Resources During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Smart Alerts

SUPR COVID-19 Communications