MR #23.24 MANG P Codes

  • Illinois Department of Human Services Logo
    Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services Logo
  • 07/25/2023
  • Obsoletes MangP Codes Information Memo released 03/22/2021.


  • The Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services administers a variety of Medical Programs. Medical Assistance No Grant, Pregnant (MANG P) Codes were originally developed to identify pregnant women with Medical coverage. These codes have evolved to identify other medical eligibility groups.
  • This manual release provides updated guidance and clarification for new MANG P codes and revised MANG P code definitions. 
    • New MANG P codes: Family Planning (FG, FI, FJ), DCFS (MD), Health Benefits for Immigrant Adults (NI), Foster Care (TG), Former Share and Premium (YA, YB, YC, YD, YE, YF, YG, YH, YI), and SSI child(ren) (6S).
    • Revised MANG P code definitions: Pregnant Woman (AI, BI), ACA Adult (G6, G7, G8, G9), MPE (MP), Renal Dialysis (NC), Adult PE (PM, PN), Foster Care (TF), and Prior Coverage (4).
  • Please note that there are still some Client Database Legacy MANG P codes in the Recipient Database. The list below only reflects MANG P codes established in IES. 
  • The MANG P codes identify which services customers are eligible to receive. The MANG P codes are also used by Federal Finance to determine appropriate Federal match for services.
  • Refer to WAG 25-04-06 when completing a "Request for Correction/Addition to MMIS Eligibility File" form HFS-2958 and when completing Overrides in IES Eligibility Exception Summary.

This manual release provides updated guidance and clarification for new MANG P codes and revised MANG P code definitions. The Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (IDHFS) administers a variety of Medical Programs. Medical Assistance No Grant, Pregnant (MANGP) codes were originally developed to identify pregnant women with Medical coverage. These codes have evolved to identify other medical eligibility groups.

WAG 25-04-06 has been added to list the MANG P codes used in IES. The MANG P codes identify which services customers are eligible to receive. The MANG P codes are also used by Federal Finance to determine appropriate Federal match for services.

FCRC Actions:

Refer to WAG 25-04-06 when completing an HFS-2958 Request for Correction/Addition to MMIS Eligibility File, use the appropriate MANG P code(s). Also refer to WAG 25-04-06 when completing Overrides in IES Eligibility Exception Summary.

MangP Code Description Minimal Essential Coverage Exceptions
A Pregnant Woman; income greater than the Family Assist Standard and less than or equal to 133% of FPL Yes N/A
AI (Unborn) Pregnant Woman Noncitizen, Inmate, or in State-Operated Facility; income less than or equal to 213% FPL Yes N/A
B Pregnant Woman income greater than 133% and less than or equal to 213% of FPL Yes N/A
BI Post-Partum Woman Noncitizen, Inmate, or in State-Operated Facility; income less than or equal to 213% FPL Yes N/A
C Less than age 1 and Mother Medicaid Eligible; income greater than Family Assist Standard and less than or equal to 147% of FPL Yes N/A
D Less than age 1 and Mother Medicaid Eligible; income greater than 147% and less than or equal to 213% of FPL Yes N/A
E Less than age 1 and Mother Not Medicaid Eligible; income greater than Family Assist Standard and less than or equal to 147% of FPL Yes N/A
F Greater than or equal age 1 and less than age 6; income greater than Family Assist Standard and less than or equal to 147% FPL Yes N/A
FA Family Care - adult; income greater than Family Health Spenddown Standard and less than or equal to 49% FPL Yes N/A
FB Family Care - adult; income greater than 49% and less than or equal to 90% FPL Yes N/A
FC Family Care - adult; income greater than 90% and less than or equal to 138% FPL Yes N/A
FG Family Planning - Presumptive; income less than or equal to 213% FPL No Family Planning Services Only
FI Family Planning Application Only; income less than or equal to 213% FPL No Family Planning Services Only
FJ Family Planning Medical Application; income less than or equal to 213% FPL No Family Planning Services Only
FP Illinois Healthy Women (Family Planning Waiver) No Family Planning Services Only
FS Veterans Care - spouse of a Veteran No Long Term Care & Non-Emergency Transportation Not Covered
FV Veterans Care No Long Term Care & Non-Emergency Transportation Not Covered
FW Illinois Healthy Women expansion (Family Planning Waiver) - no TPL No Family Planning Services Only
FX Illinois Healthy Women expansion (Family Planning Waiver) - with TPL No Family Planning Services Only
F1 CHIPRA 214; age less than 19; Lawfully Permanent Resident (LPR) less than 5 years; income less than or equal to 147% FPL Yes N/A
F2 CHIPRA 214; age less than 19; Lawfully Present in US; income less than or equal to 147% FPL Yes N/A
G Greater than or equal to age 6; greater than Family Assist Standard and less than or equal to 108% FPL Yes N/A
G5 ACA Adult with SSI Recipient; income less than or equal to 138% FPL Yes N/A
G6 ACA Adult with income less than or equal to 103% FPL and SSA-Disability Income Yes N/A
G7 ACA Adult with income greater than 103% and less than or equal to 138% FPL and SSA-Disability Income Yes N/A
G8 ACA Adults (newly eligible) - no SSI or SSA Disability Income; other income less than or equal to 138% FPL Yes N/A
G9 ACA Adults - Former Foster Care (newly eligible) greater than or equal to age 19 and less than or equal to age 26 Yes N/A
H Greater than or equal to age 6; income greater than 108% and less than or equal to 147% FPL - with no TPL Yes N/A
I Greater than or equal to age 6; income greater than 108% and less than or equal to 147% FPL - with TPL Yes N/A
IB Infant Born to a Mother who is a Noncitizen, Inmate or Recipient in State-Operated Facility Yes N/A
IF DOC inmate; not otherwise eligible No Limited Inpatient & Outpatient Hospital Services
M Family Assist - income less than or equal to Family Assist Standard Yes N/A
MA Transitional Medicaid - match Yes N/A
MB Family Support Community No, Limited Medical Benefits additional information in the Provider Handbook
MC Family Support Residential No, Limited Medical Benefits additional information in the Provider Handbook
MD DCFS child - extended medical eligibility - match Yes N/A
ME Children's mental health (extension) - screening, assessment and support services No, Limited Medical Benefits additional information in the Provider Handbook
MF Specialized Family Support No, Limited Medical Benefits additional information in the Provider Handbook
MH Children's mental health (initial authorization) - screening, assessment and support services No, Limited Medical Benefits additional information in the Provider Handbook
MJ LTC Provisional Eligibility - Title 19 No, Limited Medical Benefits additional information in the Provider Handbook
MK LTC Provisional Eligibility - Unmatchable Yes N/A
ML Mobile Crisis No, Limited Medical Benefits additional information in the Provider Handbook
MM MPE - match - Medical Presumptive Eligibility - Pregnant Woman No Inpatient Services Not Covered
MP MPE - no match - Medical Presumptive Eligibility - Undocumented Pregnant Woman No Inpatient Services Not Covered
MQ Temporary Medical Assistance - no match Yes Long Term Care Not Covered
MR DHS Mental Health conversion-DHS Social Services (Service Package B) No, Limited Medical Benefits additional information in the Provider Handbook
MX COVID Screening - with TPL No COVID Testing Only
MY COVID Screening - without TPL meets citizenship requirements No COVID Testing Only
MZ COVID Screening - without TPL does not meet citizen requirements No COVID Testing Only
NC Otherwise Ineligible; Non-citizen eligible for renal services, kidney transplant, and immunosuppressive drugs only No Renal Dialysis Services Only
ND Non-citizen; court-ordered medical coverage Yes Non-Emergency Transportation Services Not Covered
NE Non-citizen eligible for emergency services Yes Non-Emergency Transportation Services Not Covered
NI Health Coverage for Immigrant Adults; age equal to or greater than 42 and less than or equal to 64; income less than or equal to 138% FPL; not eligible for federal match Yes N/A
PA Presumptive eligibility children; income greater than 147% and less than or equal to 209% FPL; the days prior to registration Yes N/A
PB Presumptive eligibility children; income less than or equal to 147% FPL; the days prior to registration Yes N/A
PH Presumptive eligibility children; income greater than 147% FPL and less than or equal to 209% of FPL Yes N/A
PL Presumptive eligibility children; income less than or equal to 147% FPL Yes N/A
PM Adult Presumptive Eligibility - MAGI Adults only - income less than 138% FPL Yes N/A
PN Adult Presumptive Eligibility - AABD Adults Yes N/A
RY All Kids Share; age less than 19; lawfully present in US; income greater than 147% and less than or equal to 157% FPL; with TPL Yes N/A
RZ All Kids Premium 1; age less than 19; lawfully present in US; income greater than 157% and less than or equal to 209% FPL; with TPL Yes N/A
S All Kids Share; age less than 19; income greater than 147% and less than or equal to 157% FPL; no TPL Yes N/A
SL All Kids Share; age less than 19; income greater than 147% and less than or equal to 157% FPL; with TPL Yes N/A
TA Child in Foster Care Yes N/A
TB Child in Foster Care Yes N/A
TC Child in KinGap (Guardianship) Yes N/A
TD Child in KinGap (Guardianship) Yes N/A
TE Adoption Assistance Yes N/A
TF Foster Care Continuous Eligibility without legal Yes N/A
TG Foster Care Continuous Eligibility with legal Yes N/A
TT Victims of Trafficking, Torture or Other Serious Crimes Yes N/A
TV Aslyees and Torture Victims Yes N/A
XJ DCFS; Group 09; adoption assistance; out-of-state placement, eligible for Medicaid in other state. Yes N/A
XU DCFS; Group 30; Department of Corrections (not DCFS) Yes N/A
XV DCFS; Group 31; child of ward Yes N/A
YA MCHIP- Former Share; age less than 19; income greater than 147% FPL and less than or equal to 157% FPL; no TPL Yes N/A
YB MCHIP - Share; age less than 19; LPR less than; 5 yrs; income greater than 147% FPL and less than or equal to 157% FPL; no TPL Yes N/A
YC Former Share; age less than 19; income greater than 147% FPL and less than or equal to 157% FPL; undocumented Yes N/A
YD MCHIP - Former Premium Level 1; age less than 19; income greater than 157% FPL and less than or equal to 209% FPL; no TPL Yes N/A
YE MCHIP - Former Premium Level 1; age less than 19; LPR less than 5 yrs; income greater than 157% FPL and less than or equal to 209% FPL; no TPL Yes N/A
YF Former Premium Level 1; age less than 19; income less than 157% FPL and less than or equal to 209% FPL; undocumented Yes N/A
YG MCHIP - Former Premium Level 2; age less than 19; income greater than 209% FPL and less than or equal to 318% FPL; no TPL Yes N/A
YH MCHIP - Former Premium Level 2; age less than 19; LPR less than 5 yrs - income greater than 209% FPL and less than or equal to 318% FPL; no TPL Yes N/A
YI Former Premium Level 2; age less than 19; income greater than 209% FPL and less than or equal to 318% FPL; undocumented Yes N/A
ZX All Kids Premium Level 2; age less than 19; income greater than 209% and less than or equal to 318% FPL; no TPL Yes Non-Emergency Transportation Services and Over-the-Counter Medication Not Covered
ZY All Kids Premium Level 2; age less than 19; income greater than 209% and less than or equal to 318% FPL; with TPL Yes Non-Emergency Transportation Services and Over-the-Counter Medication Not Covered
Z8 All Kids Premium Level 1; age less than 19; income greater than 157% and less than or equal to 209% FPL; with TPL Yes N/A
Z9 All Kids Premium Level 1; age less than 19; income greater than 157% and less than or equal to 209% FPL; no TPL Yes N/A
1A All Kids Assist; less than age 19; income less than or equal to 147% FPL; undocumented Yes N/A
2A All Kids Share; less than age 19; income greater than 147% and less than or equal to 157% FPL; undocumented Yes N/A
3B All Kids Premium Level 1; less than age 19; income greater than 157% and less than or equal to 209% FPL; undocumented Yes N/A
3K CHIPRA 214; less than age 19; legal permanent residents less than 5 years; income greater than 147% and less than or equal to 157% FPL; no TPL Yes N/A
3L CHIPRA 214; less than age 19; lawfully present in US; income greater than 147% less than or equal to 157% FPL; no TPL Yes N/A
3M CHIPRA 214; less than age 19; legal permanent residents less than 5 years; income greater than 157% and less than or equal to 209% FPL; no TPL Yes N/A
3N CHIPRA 214; less than age 19; lawfully present in US; income greater than 157% and less than or equal to 209% FPL; no TPL Yes N/A
3P CHIPRA 214; less than age 19; legal permanent residents less than 5 years; income greater than 209% less than or equal to 318% FPL; no TPL Yes Non-Emergency Transportation Services and Over-the-Counter Medication Not Covered
3Q CHIPRA 214; less than age 19; lawfully present in US; income greater than 209% and less than or equal to 318%; no TPL Yes Non-Emergency Transportation Services and Over-the-Counter Medication Not Covered
3R All Kids Premium Level 2; less than age 19; income greater than 209% and less than or equal to 318% FPL; undocumented Yes Non-Emergency Transportation Services and Over-the-Counter Medication Not Covered
4 All Kids Prior Coverage; less than age 19; income greater than 147% and less than or equal to 318% FPL Yes N/A
4B All Kids Prior Coverage; less than age 19; income greater than 147% and less than or equal to 209% FPL; undocumented Yes N/A
6 AABD expansion income greater than Family Health Spenddown Standard and less than or equal to 100% FPL Yes N/A
6I Health Benefits for Immigrant Seniors; age equal to or greater than 65; income less than or equal to 100% FPL; not eligible for federal match programs due to Immigration status Yes Long Term Care Not Covered
6S Child with SSI income; age less than 19; income greater than 147% FPL and less than or equal to 318% FPL Yes N/A
7 AABD Spenddown; income over 100% FPL Yes, if Spenddown is Met N/A
7I Health Benefits for Immigrant Seniors with Spenddown; age equal to or greater than 65; income over 100% FPL; not eligible for federal match programs due to Immigration status Yes, if Spenddown is Met Long Term Care Not Covered
8 Health Benefits for Workers with Disabilities; age equal to 16 and less than or equal to 64; income greater than 100% and less than or equal to 200% FPL Yes N/A
8A Health Benefits for Workers with Disabilities; age equal to 16 and less than or equal to 64; income greater than 200% and less than or equal to 350% FPL Yes N/A
9 Breast and Cervical Cancer; less than or equal to 200% FPL Yes N/A
9A Breast and Cervical Cancer; expansion income greater than 200% and less than or equal to 250% FPL Yes N/A
9B Breast and Cervical Cancer expansion; income greater than 250% and less than or equal to 400% FPL Yes N/A
9C Breast and Cervical Cancer expansion; income greater than 400% FPL Yes N/A
N/A Blank MangP codes are valid codes but when combined with QMB Codes have different meanings. Yes N/A
N/A Blank MangP Code with QMB STAT= DUAL Yes Medicare Pays First, HFS pays Part A & B, copays and deductibles
N/A Blank MangP Code with QMB STAT = MDSL and Spenddown Code 1 or 3 Yes HFS Medical Services if Spenddown is Met, payment for Part B
N/A Blank MangP Code with QMB STAT = QI-1 and Spenddown Code 1 or 3 Yes HFS Medical Services if Spenddown is Met, payment for Part B
N/A Blank MangP Code with QMB STAT = QI-1 and NO Spenddown Code QI-1 Only No HFS Medical Services, payment for Part B
N/A Blank MangP Code with QMB STAT = SLIB SLIB Only No HFS Medical Services, payment for Part B
N/A Blank MangP Code with QMB STAT= YES QMB Only No HFS Medical Services, payment for Part A & B copays and deductibles


[signed copy on file]

Grace B. Hou

Secretary, Illinois Department of Human Services 

Theresa Eagleson

Director, Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services

Forms referenced

  • Form HFS-2958