IORAB Medical & Research Workgroup Minutes 1.17.23

Illinois Opioid Remediation Advisory Board

Medical & Research Working Group Meeting

January 17, 2023

Virtual Meeting Held Via Zoom


Medical and Research Working Group Members

  • Adrienne Adams, MD, Rosecrance (Chair)
  • Nicole Gastala, MD, IDHS, SUPR
  • Jessica Perillo, Boone County Health Department
  • Joan Stevens Thome, Sangamon County Health Department
  • Katie Unthank, Egyptian Health Department
  • Michael Dennis, PhD, Lighthouse Research Institute, Chestnut Health Systems
  • Tamara Olt, MD, Broken No More, Jolt Foundation
  • Doug Smith, PhD, University of Illinois
  • Dana Ray, MD, Crossings Healthcare
  • Ernest Rose, MD, Rose Medical Association
  • Katherine Austman, MD, Gibson Area Hospital and Health Services
  • Katharine (Kitty) Juul, Southern Illinois University (SIU)
  • Kathryn Bocanegra, PhD, Jane Addams College of Social Work, University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC)
  • Lindsay Wilson, CDC Foundation
  • Michael Isaacson, Kane County Health Department
  • Amanda Mehl, Boone County Health Department
  • Dan Lustig, PsyD, MA, Haymarket Center

Welcome and Roll Call

  • Dr. Adams welcomed the group. Sue Pickett, PhD of Advocates for Human Potential, Inc., facilitator, took roll call. All members were present except for Jessica Perillo, Joan Stevens Thome, Dr. Tamara Olt, Dr. Doug Smith, Dr. Ernest Rose, Michael Isaacson, Amanda Mehl,

Review and Approval of December 8, 2022 Meeting Minutes

  • Dr. Dennis made a motion to approve the minutes. Dr. Gastala seconded the motion. All members present voted to approve the minutes. The motion passed.

SOSA Updates: Sherrine Peyton, IDHS/SUPR Statewide Opioid Settlement Administrator (SOSA)

  • Sherrine Peyton, SOSA, gave the following updates:
    • To date, the state has received 29 million dollars in settlement funding from Johnson & Johnson.
    • The Illinois Opioid Remediation Advisory Board (IORAB) approved three recommendations at their January 10, 2023 meeting: 1) funding to support the expansion of the Illinois Prescription Monitoring Program (ILPMP); 2) funding for Access Narcan to avert a funding gap and increase the number of organizations that can receive Narcan at no cost; and 3) the addition of an IORAB working group focused on workforce development.
  • Ms. Peyton reviewed the ways in which recommendations can be brought to the IORAB.
    • Recommendations can be emailed to Ms. Peyton at
    • Recommendations may be submitted by IORAB, Working Group, and Steering Committee members, or by DHS.
    • Recommendation can be presented during working group meetings.
    • Recommendations may be submitted as a public comment. It is preferrable to submit recommendations far in advance of meeting dates.

Prioritizing Medical & Research Working Group Recommendations

  • Dr. Adams stated that the main goal for the meeting was to discuss and consider how to take action on two State Overdose Action Plan (SOAP) priorities, #23 (ensure access to all forms of medications/MAR in correctional facilities) and #10 (increase initiation to buprenorphine in emergency departments for people who present with opioid overdoses and/or in acute withdrawal). In order to have a better understanding of barriers to providing medication assisted recovery (MAR) in correctional facilities,
  • Dr. Gastala provided information on MAR in corrections.
    • The Illinois Department of Corrections (IDOC) only provides methadone for women who are pregnant. Providing methadone requires a partnership with an opioid treatment provider (OTP) or the facility needs to become a licensed treatment provider.
    • Persons who are on MAR and persons with an opioid use disorder (OUD) should have access to MAR when incarcerated. The Department of Justice and other authorities have recommended that persons who are incarcerated have access to diagnostic assessment and MAR.
    • Challenges to providing MAR in jails and prisons include connecting with local partners, financial barriers, workflow issues, fear of diversion, and ensuring continued MAR once individuals leave the facility.
  • Ms. Bren Manaugh of Health Management Associates (HMA) discussed the learning collaborative project funded by IDHS/SUPR through federal state opioid response (SOR) funds to improve access to MAR in Illinois jails. There are currently 15 counties in Illinois that are participating and providing MAR in their facilities.
  • Working group members discussed challenges to providing MAR in correctional facilities. It was suggested that the working group could recommend 1) funding to provide technical assistance to correctional facilities to identify and address MAR challenges and 2) funding for new OTPs and/or expand existing OTPs.:
  • Dr. Dennis shared links to articles he published on MAR in corrections:
  • The working group discussed Priority #10. Potential recommendations include funding to support emergency departments (EDs) to achieve set buprenorphine prescribing goals and funding for technical assistance to help EDs with buprenorphine prescribing.
  • Dr. Adams stated she will develop draft recommendations for the working group to review. Dr. Pickett will ensure that the working group is complying with the Open Meetings Act (OMA) if they group decides to work on a shared document between meetings. Ms. Peyton will review the recommendations and ensure that they align with the SOAP, core abatement strategies, or Executive Order 2022-19. For more information go to: IDHS: Illinois Opioid Remediation Advisory Board (

Public Participation

  • No comments from the public were forwarded prior to the meeting. No comments from the public were entered into the meeting chat.


  • Mr. Dennis made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Unthank seconded the motion. All working group members present voted in favor of adjourning the meeting. The motion passed. The meeting adjourned. The next Medical & Research Working Group meeting will be convened via Zoom on Tuesday, February 21, 2023 from 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM.