Policy Memo
- Due to the ending of the Public Health Emergency, certain Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) waiver approvals will also end. This policy memo is to inform Family Community Resource Centers (FCRCs) of the expiration of the Adjustment to the Approved Representative waiver for SNAP effective 06/30/2023.
- This waiver allowed Illinois SNAP Outreach Community Partners and advocates to sign an application as an approved representative of a SNAP household based on the household's verbal assent. A written signature was not required by the client to give consent for an approved representative to sign the application.
- This waiver ends effective 06/30/2023. Any SNAP applications that are signed by a community partner or advocate and have been received in the FCRC through 06/30/2023 are treated as valid applications submitted on behalf of the SNAP household based on verbal assent.
- Effective 07/01/2023, a community partner or advocate can no longer sign an application as an approved representative of a SNAP household based on the household's verbal assent. Regular SNAP rules for approved representatives must be followed.
Approved Representatives
Federal regulations provides that under regular SNAP policy a non-household member may be designated as an approved representative for the application process provided that the person is an adult who is sufficiently aware of relevant household circumstances and the approved representative designation has been made in writing by the head of the household, the spouse, or another responsible member of the household (PM 02-04-02-a).
COVID - 19 Waiver Adjustment Overview
- Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) approved, under authorization of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (P.L. 116-127), the adjustment of approved representatives to certain community partners and advocates for the purposes of signing an application on the behalf of the household effective 03/01/2020 through 06/30/2023.
- A written signature was not required by the client to give consent for an approved representative to sign the application. This adjustment allowed assistance to the SNAP households that encountered issues and difficulties with the signing of the application during initial intake.
- The Illinois SNAP Outreach Community Partners and advocates obtained verbal assent from the household allowing the community partners and advocates to sign an application on their behalf. This adjustment is allowed only for the purposes of signing the application. Community partners or advocates were not allowed to assist with other parts of application process, including interviewing, or use of benefits on the behalf of the household.
Waiver Expires 06/30/2023
The Adjustment to the Approved Representative waiver expires 06/30/2023.
SNAP Applications Pending as of 06/30/2023:
- Any SNAP application that is signed by a community partner or advocate and has been received in the Family Community Resource Center (FCRC) through 06/30/2023 is treated as a valid application submitted on behalf of the SNAP household based on verbal assent.
SNAP Application Received on 07/01/2023 and After:
- For SNAP applications filed on 07/01/2023 and after, the FCRC must follow regular SNAP policy for approved representatives in (PM 02-04-02-a)
Case Comments
Documentation in Case Comments is required. The worker should provide a detailed description of the household's circumstances. The detailed description should include any adjustments or exceptions made to the eligibility determination and case processing due to COVID-19. This includes any customer and advocate complaints. Case Comments should also include the worker's statement that the applicable program forms and brochures were mailed to the customer, including a copy of the program's Rights and Responsibilities and if requested, a copy of the application.
Obsolete Policy Memos
The following policy memos are obsolete:
- Adjustment to Approved Representative Requirements for SNAP - COVID-19, dated 05/07/2020.
- COVID-19 Adjustment to Approved Representative Requirements for SNAP Extended Through August 2020, dated 08/12/2020.
- Adjustment to Approved Representative Requirements for SNAP Extended Through September 2020, dated 09/03/2020.
- Adjustment to Approved Representative Requirements for SNAP Extended Through October 2020, dated 10/07/2020.
- Adjustment to Approved Representative Requirements for SNAP Extended Through November 2020, dated 11/10/2020.
- Adjustment to Approved Representative Requirements for SNAP Extended after November 2020 Until Further Notice, dated 12/03/2020.
[signed copy on file]
Grace B. Hou
Secretary, Illinois Department of Human Services
Forms referenced