HCBS Settings Compliance Countdown: 0 Days
HCBS Settings Compliance Implementation Day: March 17, 2023
Over the past two years, the Division to Developmental Disabilities (DDD) in partnership with Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) and DDD stakeholders have come together to perform a huge task, the review and validation of more than 2100 provider-controlled sites in compliance with the HCBS Settings Rules. While March 17, 2023 is a deadline for the state and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), it does not mark an end to the HCBS Settings Rules or a completion of the DDD work. Instead it highlights the work done thus far, and celebrates the goal of people receiving waiver services leading in their own lives with independence, autonomy and choice. The DDD looks forward to continuing to work with people receiving services, families, providers, advocates and HFS to ensure strong ongoing compliance monitoring, to address compliance complaints, and to support the entire community to focus on implementing HCBS Settings Rule and Person Centered Planning best practices.
HCBS Settings Office Hours Continue - April 11
HCBS Settings office hours are held the second Tuesday of each month for at least the next quarter in response to requests from providers The next meeting will be April 11 at 10 am. Like recent office hours, we will start at 10 am and stay on as long as there are questions, concerns or clarifications. Enter the meeting using the link:
Quality Assurance and Ongoing Monitor Continues
As the initial validation letter states, the DDD will continue to perform quality assurance and ongoing monitoring checks in addition to BQM reviews related to HCBS Settings. This includes reaching out to agencies to request evidence of the completion of CAPs. Please respond immediately to the email when you receive it. DDD staff will continue to perform QA on sites through June 2023. In addition, the DDD will begin sites visits to some heightened scrutiny sites expected in April. BQM and BALC will also be performing ongoing monitoring through reviews and surveys. As a reminder, all services receiving waiver funding are required to comply with the HCBS settings rules on an ongoing basis. Ongoing, annual monitoring by the state is required by CMS and will continue to ensure ongoing HCBS settings compliance.
The HCBS settings complaint systems was also established earlier this year. Fill out the IDHS: DHS DD Services Complaints (state.il.us) form, call 877-657-0005 or email DHS.HCBScomplaints@illinois.gov and a DDD staff person will reach out within 72 hours to understand the issues and connect with stakeholders to problem solve solutions.