WAG 07-02-21: LTC Resource Review

PM 07-02-21

  1. Use Revised textHFS 267LTC, Instructions to Client (Long Term Care), as needed for Revised textreviews completed on applications.

    Allow up to Revised text10 calendar days from the date of request to get the information needed for the Revised textreview. If additional information is needed, or the couple requests additional time, allow them as much time as needed to get the information. When necessary, assist the couple in obtaining the information. 

  2. Complete the resource Revised textreview using Determination of Resource Allowance (HFS 3190). The amount determined does not include personal effects, household goods, or one vehicle for each spouse.
  3. Send a copy of the completed HFS 3190 to each spouse to notify them of their total combined nonexempt resources.

    For customers applying for or receiving DoA HCBS waiver services, send a copy of the completed HFS 3190 to the case coordination/case management unit (CCU/CMU) under contract with DoA.

    If the needed information is not provided, notify each spouse that the assessment cannot be completed. Notify them using HFS 3190.