Greater Illinois Trauma Informed Behavioral Health Services (TIBHS) Appendices, Technical Assistance and Questions & Answers

Greater Illinois Trauma Informed Behavioral Health Services

Technical Assistance Session:

This technical assistance session will provide participants with an overview of the 24-444-80-2600-02 Greater Illinois Trauma Informed Behavioral Health Services Notice of Funding Opportunity and information on how providers can apply for FY24.

  • Date and Time: March 13, 2023 at 10:00AM Central Time (US and Canada)
  • Recording Link for FY24 TIBHS Technical Assistance Session:  TIBSHS Recording 

Greater Illinois Trauma Informed Behavioral Health Services Appendices:

Greater Illinois Trauma Informed Behavioral Health Services Questions & Answers:

March 15, 2023:

  1. Question: Do I need to submit a Letter of Intent for this NOFO?
    No. A Letter of Intent is not necessary for this solicitation. 

April 14, 2023:

  1. Question I am interested in applying for this grant opportunity. However, my organization doesn't have a physical address outside of my home residence. Will I still be eligible to apply for this grant opportunity? I currently live in the Chicago Heights Cluster and would service youth in that cluster. I do plan on partnering with other community organizations.
    The grant requirement is that the grantee have a location within the community to be served. If your residence is the official address according to IRS documentation for your organization then that location would meet the location requirement.
  2. Question: I have a question about eligible community areas for RPSA Greater Illinois TIBHS. The RFP refers to Cicero/Berwyn Cluster. I am wondering if the cluster is only specifically those two communities, or if Summit would be an acceptable area. The crime rates and demographics are similar. In our experience, there are fewer resources there, so I thought it was worth a shot to ask.
    The RPSA eligible areas are those listed in the NOFO.
  3. Question:  My agency has a grant under the FY23 Trauma-Informed Behavioral Health Services grant program. Are we eligible to apply for an FY24 grant if it is in a different community?
    Section C.1.e states: No applicant will be granted more than one award under this CSFA number (444-80-2600) for the same eligible Greater Illinois service area. This includes grantees who have been awarded under FY 23 444-80-2600. You would be eligible to apply for a different eligible service area.
  4. Question:  I see that funding will be awarded for a one-year grant period and wondered if there might be possibilities for renewal? We understand renewal would not be guaranteed, but would there potentially be an application process to continue funding? We would love to expand our clinical work to meet increasing needs, and we also know an interruption in services can create more harm in individuals and communities impacted by trauma.
    At this time,this NOFO does not include the possibility of a renewal.
  5. Question: I am having trouble finding the Form Appendix D for Program Narrative for 24-444-80-2600.
    The title of the word document is Trauma Informed Behavioral Health Services (2600).
  6. Question:  My agency is located outside an RPSA area but employ staff who work in a RPSA area school to provide program services. Does that meet the physical location eligibility requirement?
    Yes, since that means you have a site location in the RPSA area. There should be a formal agreement between the applicant and the school/agency within the RPA area. 
  7. Question: Does the Local Advisory Council determine or have any input in who gets funded for this grant? Does the Local Advisory Council have any access to our application and materials we submit? What purpose does the Local Advisory Council have in the RPSA programs?
    The Office for Firearm Violence Prevention provided information on the LACs on this page