October 20, 2023 Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board Meeting


Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


  • Friday, October 20, 2023
  • 9:30am to 11:30am


  • Chicago: 401 S. Clinton, 7th Floor Executive Video Conference Room
  • Springfield: 100 South Grand Avenue East, 3rd Floor Executive Conference Room
  • Call in number: (312) 340-2987


  1. Call to order/Roll call/Approval of Minutes of June 16, 2023, Meeting
  2. Illinois Department of Human Services Update
  3. FY24 Project and Program Expenditures/Youth Served/Commitments
  4. Champaign County Planning Grant Final Report and Budget discussion/decision
  5. RIOB Work Group Updates
    1. Data Work Group
    2. Membership Work Group
  6. Redeploy FOCUS Update
  7. Orbis Project Update
  8. ICJIA Evaluation Update
  9. All sites meeting update
  10. Intensive sit visit update
  11. Annual report update
  12. Adjourn

Upcoming meetings/events:

  • 13th Judicial Circuit Intensive Site Visit: Thursday, October 26th, 2023
  • 1st Judicial Circuit Intensive Site Visit: Tuesday, November 14th, 2023
  • 2nd Judicial Circuit Intensive Site Visit: Wednesday, November 15th, 2023
  • Executive Committee Meeting (if necessary): Friday, November 17th, 2023
  • Data Work Group Meeting: Tuesday, November 7th, 2023
  • Full Board Meeting: Friday, December 15th, 2023

Meeting Minutes

  1. Call to order/Roll call/Approval of Minutes of June 16, 2023, Meeting
    Due to the absence of Secretary Dulce Quintero, Anne Studzinski, Vice-Chair, called the meeting to order at 9:35 am. Erica Hughes called the roll. Ms. Studzinski noted that when the RIOB had met virtually, roll call votes were required. She asked the members if they wished to continue this practice. All those in attendance agreed it was not necessary to continue taking roll call votes for every action and that they were comfortable returning to the practice of using voice votes.
    In person: Orlando Mayorga for Secretary Dulce Quintero Present, Judge Walter Brandon, Elizabeth Clarke, Avik Das, Miquel Lewis, Andrea Lubelfeld, Heidi Mueller, John Rekowski, Tracy Senica, Anne Studzinski, Rick Velasquez, Suzanne Isenberg-Chopra
    By Phone: Dan Hunt, Paula Wolff
    Absent: Delrice Adams, John Johnson, and Krish Mohip were absent.
    Staff: Seth El-Jamal, Hailey Colpitts, Erica Hughes, Kristen Marshall, Colleen Sheehan
    Motion: Ms. Studzinski asked for a motion to approve the June 16th, 2023, meeting minutes. Rick Velazquez moved approval of the minutes. Miquel Lewis seconded the motion. Orlando Mayorga for Secretary Dulce Quintero, Avik Das, Heidi Mueller, Betsy Clarke, and Suzanne Isenberg-Copra abstained because they had not attended the June meeting. Motion carried.
  2. Illinois Department of Human Services Update
    Ms. Studzinski announced that Secretary Grace Ho left her position as Secretary of the Department of Human Services and Chair of the Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board (RIOB) to become the Deputy Governor for Health and Human Services (HHS) in the governor's office. Orlando Mayorga, Executive Director of the Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission (IJJC) attended the meeting as the representative for the new Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) Secretary, Dulce Quintero, who is the first non-binary person to lead an Illinois state agency. The Illinois Office of Firearm Violence Prevention (IOFVP) has a new assistant secretary, Quiwana Bell.
  3. FY24 Project and Program Expenditures/Youth Served/Commitments
    Ms. Hughes referred members to the handouts of expenditures. She reported that current expenditures are low, but the projected figures show expenditures will increase in the coming months.
    Mr. Velasquez inquired about the Macon County site's cost per client and performance rate. He pointed out that Macon County is spending more money per youth than other programs yet has committed more youth. Ms. Hughes responded that during the recent site visit, it became clear that they need technical assistance. She reported that the two main program staffers had left, and new staff members started three weeks before the site visit. Ms. Hughes added that there are plans to do additional visits with the program before the end of the fiscal year. Members expressed concerns that the only racial group identified in the commitment data were Black males and no other ethnicity information was provided. Heidi Mueller asked who submits the summary of committed youth. Ms. Hughes explained that the data comes from probation departments in the sites.
    Mr. Velasquez suggested that the board appoint an ad hoc group to assist Ms. Hughes in supporting Macon County. Mr. Velasquez, Judge Walter Brandon, a designee from the Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ), and Dan Hunt volunteered for the ad hoc group.
    Ms. Studzinski mentioned that the Cook County site has four calendars participating in Redeploy. Ms. Hughes spoke to Mark Werner, Director of Juvenile Redeploy Services to learn how many calendars are estimated to participate in the Redeploy in the future. There are 12 total calendars in the county, leaving eight calendars to be brought into the Redeploy program.
    Ms. Studzinski asked Ms. Hughes to draw up an estimate on current spending and the funding requests from the previous year to ensure the board has information to discuss budgets and advocate for more state funding at the December meeting.
  4. Champaign County Planning Grant Final Report and Budget Discussion/Decision
    Ms. Studzinski asked Ms. Hughes to introduce Samuel Smith to discuss Champaign County's Redeploy Planning Grant Report. Ms. Hughes noted that there were many changes among Champaign County stakeholders during the planning process, including new courtroom stakeholders, a new director of probation, a new public defender, and a new judge.
    Mr. Smith explained that the planning process in Champaign has been a two-year process. The planning committee in Champaign County hosted conversations with stakeholders and learned that the committee could be used as a juvenile justice council in the future. The planning committee focused their work on families, youth, and stakeholders who would be engaged in the Redeploy program. The program will strengthen capacity, communication, and collaboration in specific sectors to produce better outcomes for youths. Champaign County identified five sectors: formal systems, service providers, legal advocates, community-based advocacy organizations for youth and families, and schools. The program was built around the idea and central question of 'how can we improve outcomes for youth and families and how can Redeploy be a part of that.' This question guided the proposal and the requested budget. Champaign County's budget includes funding to support training and education for youth, families, stakeholders, and access to therapy. Mr. Smith opened the floor for discussion and questions, which led to the following:
    1. Mr. Velasquez stated that he supports the Champaign program but would like to know more details about disparities within the county in the future because it was limited in scope in the report. He asked the Champaign committee to keep in mind how they plan to address issues of disparities in the Redeploy program.
    2. Judge Brandon asked how mentors will be selected. Mr. Smith explained that data analysis will be used in this area. Champaign County has an overrepresentation of Black males in the justice system, and mentors should come from those communities. As part of the planning process, Dr. Nathan Stevens of Illinois State University conducted a data analysis and suggested using an instrument that is more culturally sensitive with regards to racial disparities within juvenile justice when selecting mentors. Mr. Smith stated that it is their goal to have the people who work within the county juvenile Redeploy initiative be those who have been affected by mass incarceration. He provided an example that of the planning grants team members, Maurice Hayes, has lived experience with the justice system.
    3. Ms. Clarke noted that Champaign County was previously recommended for Redeploy. She expressed the need for state funding for Multisystemic Family Therapy (MST) and Family Stabilization Treatment (FST). Ms. Mueller noted that DJJ funds MST.
    4. Ms. Mueller expressed interest in DJJ being part of the sector stakeholders. Mr. Smith welcomed involvement from DJJ.
      Motion: Betsy Clarke moved approval of the proposal. John Rekowski seconded the motion. Motion carried.
  5. RIOB Work Group Updates
    1. Data Work Group
      Ms. Studzinski raised a suggestion from the prior Data Work Group meeting that the board meetings be moved to quarterly meetings rather than every other month. John Rekowski responded that keeping meeting dates every other month may be helpful in onboarding Cook County. Mr. Velasquez recommended leaving the schedule as is for this year. He pointed out that there is an Open Meetings Act Bill, sponsored by Representative Maurice West that would amend the act to allow for quorum using virtual means. This bill is currently awaiting a senate sponsor.
    2. Membership Work Group
      Mr. Velasquez informed members that training and onboarding materials have been updated. The work group created a position description and application for new board members and the Illinois Collaboration on Youth (ICOY) is working to make this application more visible on the Redeploy website. The work group is focused on increasing membership with individuals with lived experience, those from different geographic areas, and those with expertise and experience with service provision, including restorative justice, social work, and mental health. Mr. Velasquez asked members to assist in promoting the openings on the board.
      Mr. Velasquez invited Mr. Rekowski to share his experience as a new board member. Mr. Rekowski attended an informal site visit and the All Sites meeting. He stated that the information learned during site visits and the All Sites meeting was vital to his understanding of the Redeploy program. At the All Sites meeting, he learned more about diversity in counties or circuits, noticed passion among all sites, and appreciated the exchange of information and ideas between sites. He urged members to attend the All Sites meeting and site visits when feasible.
      Mr. Velasquez updated members on State Ethics training obligations and noted that these are due by December 2023. 41% of the members have done ethics training, 28% have done HIPAA training, 41% have done harassment and discrimination training, 37% have completed security awareness, and 6% have done disparities. Mr. Velasquez suggested raising the relevance of the HIPAA training in future discussions and looking into alternative training. Ms. Hughes will distribute a list with information on how to complete trainings. Ms. Studzinski asked Ms. Marshall to email these numbers to her when she receives them. An update on training course completion will be done at every meeting as part of Mr. Velasquez's report.
  6. Redeploy FOCUS Update
    Seth El-Jamal, stepping in for Susie Schoenrock, updated members on the Focused program. The County Review Committee and Focused committee met and determined they will accept requests to serve youth charged with class X offenses and that generally, youth should go before a judge with legal representation prior to becoming involved with Focused. Members reviewed and approved the Focused funding request format.
    IDHS and ICOY met with Mr. Hunt to discuss outreach strategies. ICOY will create content to share, and Mr. Hunt will distribute to relevant parties. An information session will be held for probation officials. Staff is in contact with the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) to learn the information of their representative to the County Review Committee.
    Judge Colleen Sheehan created a judicial bench card on the Focused program which was distributed to Board members for review. Judge Sheehan plans on having a final draft done by Thanksgiving. Ms. Clarke pointed out that there is a barrier in communications regarding the program. Ms. Clarke suggested creating a card for lawyers. Ms. Studzinski recommended members discuss this program with counties that are eligible and reminded them that currently there is $25,000 set aside for the Focused program.
    Mr. Velasquez asked about the timeline for Focused funding requests. Ms. Studzinski responded that it would go through ICOY to make the process quicker. The proposal is submitted to ICOY and then the committee meets to review and then approve requests.
  7. Orbis Project Update
    Ms. Marshall provided the Orbis update. Orbis attended the All Sites meeting and presented on updates to the YASI screening tool. Orbis received feedback on the questions, wording, and format of the tool from the Redeploy provider staff. Orbis and IDHS continue to meet to review edits to the screening tool. Once edits are complete, initial testing is estimated to take a month. Orbis is on track for use of the tool in early 2024 and anticipates the release timeframe to be between March-July 2024.
  8. ICJIA Evaluation Update
    Ms. Marshall said that IDHS staff are working with ICIJA to clarify the scope of the evaluation project. IDHS anticipate that a draft of the project proposal will be available for the December board meeting.
  9. All Sites Meeting Update
    Tracy Senica and Andrea Lubelfeld attended the all sites meeting and informed the members on key takeaways. Ms. Lubelfeld pointed out that one of the counties created an incentive concept where youth can earn "Redeploy bucks" and redeem those "dollars" for incentives based on goals they set for themselves. Ms. Senica stated that Cook County is discussing their incentives program and are interested in adding a form of the "Redeploy bucks." Ms. Senica continued that the parental engagement specialist role was discussed and clarified and that sites focused conversations on the levels of involvement of families required in order for the program to be successful. She also pointed out that some youth think it is easier to go to DJJ and serve a few months rather than getting involved with Redeploy. She suggested that the board should consider how they can approach that narrative.
  10. Intensive Site Visit Update
    Ms. Studzinski asked Ms. Hughes to create a spreadsheet of site visit attendance and to update the site visit dates. She directed staff to call board members to confirm attendance within two weeks prior to any site visits. Site visits will occur on November 15th with the Second Judicial Circuit and on and 16th with the First Judicial Circuit. The rest of the intensive site visits will be scheduled for the spring.
  11. Annual Report Update
    Ms. Studzinski informed members that IDHS staff completed a draft of the Redeploy Annual Report. Ms. Studzinski requested that members provide any additional feedback to Ms. Hughes by Thanksgiving to ensure the report can be approved at the December meeting and distributed by the end of the calendar year.
  12. Adjourn
    Mr. Lewis moved that the meeting be adjourned. Avik Das seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 11:35am.