PM 07-02-04-b
Income Producing Property
Cash cases with income-producing non-homestead property, complete Recommendation Regarding Retention of Income Producing Non-Homestead Property (
IL444-0126). Send
IL444-0126 to:
Department of Human Services
Bureau of
Program and Performance Management
100 South Grand Avenue East
Springfield, IL 62762
Do not complete IL444-0126 for Medical Only cases. For unusual situations, FCRCs may submit a Request for Specific Case Guidance (IL 444-2150) to the Bureau of Medical Eligibility and Special Programs (BMESP; "HFS Policy").
Customer with Fractional Interest in Property
When a
customer owns a fractional interest in property, and it appears they would suffer a serious loss from the sale of their interest, send the following information to the Bureau of
Program and Performance Management in Springfield
using IL444-0126:
- how the title is held;
- name of title holder;
- current appraised market value;
- gross income from the property, if any;
- property expenses;
- age of the owner, if their equity is limited to life interest; and
- status of other owners of fractional interests, and other social factors affecting ownership.
Extending Time Limit on Sale of Property
When the FCRC believes that a
Cash customer should get an extension of the 6-month period to sell non-homestead property, request approval in writing from the Bureau of
Program and Performance Management in Springfield. The written request must include the following information:
- Is the asking price more than the appraised value? If so, why?
- Is the property marketed through a qualified realtor who is acting in good faith?
- Is there a substantial market for this type of property in the community?
- FCRC's recommendation.
For Medical Only cases, complete and submit a Request for Specific Case Guidance (IL 444-2150) to the Bureau of Medical Eligibility and Special Programs (BMESP; "HFS Policy").