WAG 07-02-04-b
Non-homestead property is nonexempt, and is all real property that is not the customer's homestead.
Use the equity value of a customer's non-homestead real property when figuring initial and ongoing eligibility. For cash cases, when the equity value of non-homestead property and all other nonexempt resources exceeds the resource limit:
For Medical cases, enroll the case in spenddown.
Do not consider the equity value of property if the person:
If the property remains unsold after 6 months but continues to be listed for sale with a reputable local realtor and the FCRC believes an extension should be granted, refer cash cases to the Bureau of Program and Performance Management. The Bureau determines if an extension of the period to find a buyer is warranted. If the Bureau of Program and Performance Management does not grant an extension, consider the equity value of the property as a nonexempt resource. Refer medical cases to the Bureau of Medical Eligibility and Special Programs (BMESP; "HFS Policy") by completing and submitting a Request for Specific Case Guidance (IL 444-2150).
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