A Project Narrative is required to support the Uniform Application for State Grant Assistance (GA) for non-competitive grants. The purpose of the Project Narrative is to describe the organization's program activities and design for implementing and administering the program for the upcoming State Fiscal Year (SFY). This Project Narrative will include information that is specific to your organization's proposed program services. Submission of this Project Narrative is required to fulfill contractual obligations. Please note that some of the items contain subsections. Each item and subsection must be addressed, or the documentation will be considered incomplete. Documentation containing incomplete data will be returned to your agency. Each section must have a heading that corresponds to the headings listed below. Information included should be brief.
Program Name and Number: |
515-RIPS Regions IPS Trainers |
CSFA #: |
444-22-1185 |
Summary Information/Instructions
Please fill out and submit as an attachment
1. |
Grantee Name |
Indicate the agency's name. |
2. |
Grantee Address |
Indicate the address where the agency's administrative offices are located. |
3. |
Agency Head, Title, Telephone, Email Address |
Provide information specific to the individual whom the agency designates as the Agency Head. |
4. |
Program Contact Person, Title, Telephone, Email Address |
Provide information specific to the individual whom the agency designates as the Program Contact. This person must be familiar with program services provided. |
5. |
Fiscal Contact Person, Title, Telephone, Email Address |
Provide information specific to the individual whom the agency designates as the Fiscal Contact. This person must be familiar with the agency's fiscal policies and expenditures allocated to the program. |
6. |
Geographic Service Area (if applicable) |
If applicable, provide a specific description of the geographic area the program will serve. Service areas may be described by indicating specific neighborhoods, cities or counties. |
7. |
Target Population |
Provide a specific description of the target population to be served by the program (e.g., women, men, children, age groups, etc.) |
8. |
Service Location(s) |
If the program location is different from the administrative office address indicated in Number 2, indicate the address where program services are delivered. |
9. |
Required Match (if applicable) |
Indicate the total dollar amount of the Required Matching Funds, if applicable. |
10. |
Are services available via telehealth (if applicable)? |
If this is applicable to services applicant provides, enter yes. If it is not applicable to services provided, enter NA. |
Agency Qualifications:
The Applicant should describe their agency and its qualifications for funding for the upcoming SFY. The Applicant should clearly establish who is applying for the funds, describe the broader agency's goals and purposes, and how they relate to this program.
Monitoring, Management Systems and Standards
Provide major findings during monitoring or conditions related to or affecting the program in the past SFY.
Describe the agency's capacity to develop, perform and integrate the program requirements.
- Describe internal processes for collecting data and monitoring service delivery and quality. Describe how internal quality management and oversight of all program activities, including staff or teams involved in the quality management process, is incorporated.
- Describe training protocol for staff, including mandatory trainings and additional professional development opportunities including evidence-based practices.
- Describe the agency's proposed staffing plan, including existing personnel as well as any new positions to be hired, and include credential requirements for each position. The staffing plan should include key activities and responsibilities of staff, level of effort, and experience providing service to the population(s) of focus and familiarity with their cultures and language.
Community Identification and Need
- Provide a description of need, identifying the service area and describing the impact of the need. This should include facts and evidence that support the grant program purpose.
- Describe the Agency's mission, history and experience in providing services to the target population.
- Describe the agency's capability to create and maintain community linkages and collaborations to provide services. If applicable, identify the community service networks to address program participant service needs not provided by the agency. If intra-agency referrals are used to obtain services for the program participants, identify the areas used within the agency and the referral process.
- Describe the program's population relating to age, ethnicity, standard of living, and family composition.
- Describe any assessment activities undertaken by the agency to identify the target population.
- Describe the community and/or agency needs or problems that the funding will address. Statistical evidence should be provided to support the contention of the need. Statistical evidence may include informal or formal assessments the agency uses to identify the community's need for the funded service(s). Include changes in target population or characteristics from the preceding year and reasons for the change.
Anticipated Service Levels
The agency must describe the program activities and service design for implementation and administration of the funded service program. The following must be addressed:
- Describe how your agency determines which participants are eligible for program services. Also, describe what method will be used to separately identify participants in your agency records.
- Explain the availability and accessibility of the services to the targeted population. In particular please address the days of the week and the hours of the day that the services will be offered. Include whether appointments are required for services. Also, please indicate the location (agency site, client home, school, community site, etc.) in which the services will be offered and what transportation (agency provided transportation, mass transit, walking due to close proximity, etc.) the client has available to access these services.
- Describe the direct service activities provided to program participants including the agency's definition of the activity, the purpose for each activity and how it will be carried out. Identify any changes in the service activities from the previous year.
- Fully describe the service(s) provision that will be subcontracted, if applicable. Include service activity or the number of service units and the unit rate to be subcontracted. If units of service do not apply, provide an explanation of the type and quantity of services to be subcontracted. The subcontractor must agree to comply with all provisions of the Grant Agreement. The subcontract shall be constructed in such a fashion as to include and bind the subcontractor to all requirements contained in the Uniform Grant Agreement. A copy of the subcontract must be submitted with the Project Narrative.
- State what processes your agency has in place to ensure the performance measures, stated in Exhibit E of the grant agreement, are met s for the upcoming SFY.
- Does the Grantee have a history of providing the Individual Placement and Support [IPS]/Supported Employment Model for a minimum of at least 5 years?
- Did the IPS/SE Grantee have an IPS Fidelity Review or an IPS Quality Improvement Survey within the previous fiscal year?
- Is the IPS/SE Grantee a "Good Fidelity" Program as defined by the IPS Fidelity Scale created by The IPS Employment Center Research Foundation for Mental Hygiene?
- Does the Grantee submit their IPS/SE employment data to the Division of Mental Health using the DMH IPS/EBSE Web Based System?
- Has the individual designated by the Grantee to be the IPS Trainer successfully completed theOn-Line IPS Practitioner Course and/or the On-Line Supervisor Course offered by the IPS Employment Center Research Foundation for Mental Hygiene?