Healing Illinois works to build knowledge about and advance understanding of racial equity and racial justice, including an understanding of how the disparities and negative impacts of racism impact communities across the state. Healing Illinois is designed to support communities to engage in racial healing activities, using that knowledge and understanding to advance equity and racial justice. Healing Illinois will fund organizations to conduct racial healing activities including conversations about race, racial healing circles, restorative justice circles, community arts projects, and other activities that promote racial healing across Illinois.
Each applicant (unless the applicant is an individual or Federal or State awarding agency that is exempt from those requirements under 2 CFR § 25.110(b) or (c), or has an exception approved by the Federal or State awarding agency under 2 CFR § 25.110(d)) is required to:
The Department must receive the Full Application
All competitive grant applications are subject to merit-based review.
An appeal must be submitted in writing to appeals submission IDHS contact listed above, who will send to the IDHS Appeal Review Officer (ARO) for consideration.
Illinois Department of Human ServicesJB Pritzker, Governor · Dulce M. Quintero, Secretary Designate
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