GA- Education, Training, and Enhanced Services to End Violence Against and Abuse of Women with Disabilities (24-444-80-0175)

FY 24 Continuation Application CFSA #444-80-0175

Due Date: April 24, 2023 @ Noon

Program Description - The Department's Systems Change Initiatives are dedicated to improving the identification of and response to domestic and sexual violence against people with disabilities by examining the intersection of violence and disabilities. Through a collaborative approach between victim services and disability service providers, barriers to survivors with disabilities accessing services are addressed, outreach and education efforts are enhanced and trauma-informed support systems are strengthened. These system change initiatives are supported through grants from the Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women.

FY24 Continuation Application

  1. Current Providers will receive a continuation application packet via email the week of March 20th.
    1. This continuation application is for Fiscal Year 2024 funding for current grantees (CSFA #444-80-0175).
    2. Eligibility is limited to current providers funded under CSFA# 23-444-80-0175.
    3. Each applicant must be registered in the Illinois GATA Grantee Portal and must continue to be GATA Pre-Qualified.
    4. Applicant organizations must complete the FY24 ICQ before an award can be made. (Accessed through the Grantee Portal.)
    5. Applicant organizations must submit a complete FY24 Application Packet to by April 24th @ 12pm. Include "CSFA# 444-80-1075" on the subject line.
  2.   A complete application packet includes:
    1. Uniform Application for Grant Assistance (pdf)
    2. Program Plan
    3. Contact Information Form
    4. Grantee Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form
    5. FY24 Budget must be entered into CSA by application due date

The Bureau of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Human Trafficking reserves the right to request additional information from the applicant to assist in FY24 funding and programmatic decisions.