Community Youth Services (24-444-80-0846) Continuation Application

Community Youth Service Program (CYS)

FY24 Continuation Application CSFA #444-80-0846
Refer to Continuation Application for Due Date

  1. Program Description
    The purpose of the Community Youth Services (CYS) grant program is to develop, and implement, strategies, activities, and services that are intended to prevent delinquency and violence among Illinois youth who are 11 to 24 years of age. The CYS program focuses on community engagement, strategic planning, services (coordination, linkage, and/or delivery) and referral. The CYS grant program represents a racially and culturally informed comprehensive approach.
  2. FY24 Continuation Application
    Current Providers will receive a continuation application packet via email. Providers may request additional copies of the continuation application by sending an email to
    1. This continuation application is for Fiscal Year 2024 funding for CYS (CSFA #444-80-0846)
      1. Eligibility is limited to current Community Youth Service Program (CYS) providers funded under CSFA# 23-444-80-0846.
      2. Each applicant must be registered in the Illinois GATA Grantee Portal and must continue to be GATA Pre-Qualified.
      3. Applicant organizations must complete the FY24 ICQ before an award can be made. (Accessed through the Grantee Portal.) If the FY24 ICQ is not available in the Grantee Portal prior to the application due date, grantees should submit their application without the ICQ and will notified when it becomes available.
      4. Applicant organizations must submit a complete FY24 Application Packet to by the due date listed in the continuation application. Include "CSFA# 444-80-0846" on the subject line.
    2. A complete application packet includes:
      1. Uniform Application for Grant Assistance (pdf)
      2. Application Summary Page and Program Narrative UPDATE
      3. FY24 Budget must be entered into CSA by application due date
    3. The Bureau of Positive Youth Development reserves the right to request additional information from the applicant to assist in FY24 funding and programmatic decisions.