Grant Application Information
- SFY24 grant applications completion:
- Eligibility for SFY24 BFN renewal grants is limited to current providers who are prequalified and in good standing.
- Applicant organizations must submit a complete SFY24 Uniform Application for Grant Assistance to before an award can be made.
- Please include CSFA# on the email subject line.
- All fields on pages 2 and 3 are required.
- For line #45 for "Amount Requested from the State," please enter SFY23 award amount as a placeholder.
- Each applicant must continue to be GATA Pre-Qualified and registered in the CSA.
- Applicant organizations must complete the SFY24 ICQ before an award can be made.
- The ICQ is available in the Illinois GATA Grantee Portal
- Please confirm all grantee mailing/billing addresses and Administrator/Executive/CEO name/email is current to ensure proper information is reflected in the contract documents.
All applicants for Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children - WIC Program funding, must submit the following document electronically by June 30, 2023
Grant Application (pdf)
Once all applications have been received, DHS will determine a contract amount and an assigned caseload for each applicant, and this will be communicated electronically to the e-mail address that submitted the grant application.
The completed grant application document is to be emailed by June 30, 2023 to the email address with the subject line stating:
Last 4 digits of CSFA #0668 Provider Organization Name - For example, 0668 Jane's DV Agency or 0668 HOPE Agency
Note: Everything is being tracked by the CSFA number, so it is important that all required materials and correspondence contain this information.
Email for questions regarding application or pre-qualification documents.
Email for questions regarding CSA or general budget preparation.