Eligibility to Apply
- SFY24 grant applications completion:
- Eligibility for SFY24 BFN renewal grants is limited to current providers who are prequalified and in good standing.
- Applicant organizations must submit a complete SFY24 Uniform Application for Grant Assistance to DHS.OFWContracting@illinois.gov before an award can be made.
- Please include CSFA# on the email subject line.
- All fields on pages 2 and 3 are required.
- For line #45 for "Amount Requested from the State," please enter SFY23 award amount as a placeholder.
- Each applicant must continue to be GATA Pre-Qualified and registered in the CSA.
- Applicant organizations must complete the SFY24 ICQ before an award can be made.
- he ICQ is available in the Illinois GATA Grantee Portal
- Please confirm all grantee mailing/billing addresses and Administrator/Executive/CEO name/email is current to ensure proper information is reflected in the contract documents.
All applicants for Commodity Supplemental Food Program funding, must submit the following document electronically by June 30, 2023
Grant Application (pdf)
Once all applications have been received, DHS will determine a contract amount and an assigned caseload for each applicant, and this will be communicated electronically to the e-mail address that submitted the grant application.
The completed grant application document is to be emailed by June 30, 2023 to the email address DHS.OFWContracting@illinois.gov with the subject line stating:
Last 4 digits of CSFA #0667 Provider Organization Name - For example, 0667 Jane's DV Agency or 0667 HOPE Agency
Note: Everything is being tracked by the CSFA number, so it is important that all required materials and correspondence contain this information.
Please email DHS.OFWContracting@illinois.gov for questions regarding the application or pre-qualification documents.
Please email DHS.BMCHEDF@illinois.gov for questions regarding the program or the budget.