Title XX DFI Self-Sufficiency and Self-Support (DRS) DFI-Sign Language (24-444-30-1288 DFI-SL)

Summary Information

Awarding Agency Name Illinois Department of Human Services
Awarding Division Name Division of Rehabilitation Services
Agency Contact Christina Pean Christina.Pean@illinois.gov
Announcement Type Non-Competitive
Funding Opportunity Title Title XX DFI Self-Sufficiency and Self-Support (DRS) DFI-Sign Language
Funding Opportunity Number N/A
Application Posting Date N/A
Application Closing Date N/A
Catalog of State Financial Assistance (CSFA) Number 444-30-1288
Catalog of State Financial Assistance (CSFA) Popular Name DFI-Sign Language
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Number(s) 93.667

Applicant Eligibility

1.Scope of Services

The Division of Rehabilitation Services requires the timely execution of all initial and amended contractual agreements. Grantees will have up to 14 business days from the date the contract is published to sign and return the required contract documents issued by the State, which may include one or more of the following: initial contract signature page and amendment page. Non-compliance may result in a modified start date of the contract to align with the grantee's submission of the required execution documents. Grantees will not be reimbursed for services provided in advance of the modified start date. When a contract amendment is issued to reduce the value of the contract, non-compliance will result in the full de-obligation of the contract balance regardless of the amended amount.

The Final Reconciliation of a contractual agreement will follow prescribed timeframes communicated annually to community providers.

The grantee will provide the following services:

  1. Provide beginning level I sign language classes consisting of six sessions for up to 25 participants per class. A class will have a minimum of five participants
  2. Provide beginning level II sign language classes consisting of six sessions for up to 25 participants per class. A class will have a minimum of five participants


Sign classes for family members, care providers and significant others of newly diagnosed Deaf or hard of hearing individuals to provide the opportunity to learn sign language. The number of participants and times these classes will be offered are listed in the Scope of Services.

  1. Time Period for Required Periodic Financial Reports. Unless a different reporting requirement is specified in Exhibit E, Grantee shall submit financial reports to Grantor pursuant to Paragraph 10.1 and reports must be submitted no later than 30 days after the quarter ends.
  2. Time Period for Close-out Reports. Grantee shall submit a Close-out Report pursuant to Paragraph 10.2 and no later than 30 days after this Agreement's end of the period of performance or termination.
  3. Time Period for Required Periodic Performance Reports. Unless a different reporting requirement is specified in Exhibit E, Grantee shall submit Performance Reports to Grantor pursuant to Paragraph 11.1 and such reports must be submitted no later than 30 days after the quarter ends.
  4. Time Period for Close-out Performance Reports. Grantee agrees to submit a Close-out Performance Report, pursuant to Paragraph 11.2 and no later than 30 days after this Agreement's end of the period of performance or termination.

Annual Reporting Requirements:

A. Final Reconciliation is the final financial closeout of the award. A Final Reconciliation Coversheet will be provided by the DRS Contract Project Officer. Training and technical assistance on the completion of the form will be provided by the DRS Contract Project Officer. A Final Reconciliation Coversheet will only be accepted by email to the DRS Contract Project Officer.

3.Performance Measures

  1. # of participants in beginning level I sign language course. Five to 25 participants constitute a billable service.
  2. # of times beginning level I sign language course offered.
  3. # of participants in beginning level I sign language course offered.
  4. # of participants in beginning level II sign language course. Five to 25 participants constitute a billable service.
  5. # of times beginning level II sign language course offered
  6. # of participants in beginning level II sign language courses

4.Performance Standards

  1. Grantee will offer a minimum of four beginning level I sign language classes consisting of five to 25 participants.
  2. Grantee will offer a minimum of four beginning level II sign language classes consisting of five to 25 participants.