Miechv Arpa (24-444-84-2911)

FY24 Continuation Application CSFA #444-84-2911

A. Program Description

  • The Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program - American Rescue Plan Act (MIECHV ARPA) program provides one-time funding made available under section 9101 of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARP), P.L. 117-2, to providers that currently receive Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) Program funding to address the needs of expectant parents and families with young children, particularly during the COVID-19 public health emergency. Funding must be used for the purposes set forth in the applicable law and may support a wide range of in-scope activities within the defined allowable categories.

B. FY24 Continuation Application

  • Current Providers will receive a continuation application packet via email. Providers may request additional copies of the continuation application by sending an email to DHS.HomeVisiting@Illinois.gov.
  • 1. This continuation application is for Fiscal Year 2024 funding for MIECHV ARPA (CSFA #444-84-2911).
    • a. Eligibility is limited to current MIECHV Local Implementing Agencies (LIAs) funded under CSFA# 23-444-84-2911.
    • b. Each applicant must be registered in the Illinois GATA Grantee Portal and must continue to be GATA Pre-Qualified.
    • c. Applicant organizations must complete the FY24 ICQ before an award can be made. (Accessed through the Grantee Portal.) If the FY24 ICQ is not available in the Grantee Portal prior to the application due date, grantees should submit their application without the ICQ and will be notified when it becomes available.
    • d. Applicant organizations must submit a complete FY24 Application Packet to DHS.HomeVisiting@Illinois.gov by the due date listed in the continuation application email. Include the organization's name and the last 4 digits in the subject line (for example, 2911 Hope Agency).
  • 2. A complete application packet includes:
    • a. Uniform Grant Application
    • b. Program Plan (from continuation application email)
    • c. FY24 Budget - Refer to instructions in the continuation application email.

Summary Information

Awarding Agency Name Illinois Department of Human Services
Awarding Division Name Division of Early Childhood
Agency Contact DHS.HomeVisiting@Illinois.gov
Announcement Type Non-Competitive 
Funding Opportunity Title MIECHV ARPA
Funding Opportunity Number 24-444-84-2911-01
Application Posting Date 04/18/2023
Application Closing Date Refer to Continuation Application Email
Catalog of State Financial Assistance (CSFA) Number 444-84-2911
Catalog of State Financial Assistance (CSFA) Popular Name MIECHV ARPA
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Number(s) 93.870