WAG 03-23-01
Cash and SNAP Assistance
A person is ineligible to receive cash and SNAP assistance if the person is an inmate in a facility operated by the Illinois Department of Corrections, Department of Juvenile Justice or a county sheriff (including the Cook County Department of Corrections).
Persons incarcerated on the first day of the fiscal month through the last day of the fiscal month are ineligible for cash and SNAP benefits.
If an incarcerated individual is residing in one of the participating correctional facilities from the Prisoner Pre-Release Program, they may apply and be interviewed within 10 days of their release date. Please review WAG 06-34-02 for IES SNAP application processing and guidance for a person incarcerated in an approved correctional facility.
Eligibility exists for the entire month, if the inmate is eligible on the first day of the fiscal month.
Medical Benefits
A person who is detained or confined in an Illinois jail or juvenile detention facility must meet all other eligibility requirements for AABD or FHP medical benefits to continue to receive medical benefits. Do not cancel AABD or FHP medical benefits solely due to a person's confinement in an Illinois jail or juvenile detention center.
A person
in an Illinois jail or juvenile detention facility is only eligible for inpatient hospital and professional services rendered during the hospital stay.
Note: A person who was the parent or caretaker relative of, and caring for, a dependent child prior to going to jail does not qualify if out of the home for 90 days or longer. Refer to PM 03-05-04.
A person detained or confined in an Illinois jail or juvenile detention center may apply for medical benefits. Refer to PM 02-04-02.
Persons Who are Pregnant
Upon learning that a person in a jail or juvenile detention facility is pregnant, contact the All Kids Unit at 1-877-805-5312 or send an email to
HFS.MedInmate@illinois.gov. Pregnant women/youth who are eligible for full medical benefits may continue their eligibility while in the jail or juvenile detention facility.
For active cases, coordinate the closing of the FCRC's case with the opening of the All Kids Unit's case to ensure there is no break in medical coverage.