Joliet LAC Meeting Minutes, November 14, 2022

November 14, 2022, 6:00pm

Roll Call:

  1. Felix Ortiz- absent
  2. Dave Jackson- Present
  3. Nicole Lurry-Present
  4. Tycee Bell- Present
  5. Elizabeth Protich- Present
  6. Michele Stiff- Present
  7. Donnie Chestnut- Present
  8. Amy Sanchez- Present

Public Comment:

No public comment received, no members of the public on the zoom meeting.


  1. New Liaison from the LAC vote
    • Amy volunteered to step up to be the coordinated liaison between state and committee to replace Christine who resigned 11/10.
    • Asked if any other parties were interested in this role. Michele indicated she was not.
    • Donnie Chestnut nominated Amy Sanchez, Elizabeth Protich second the motion.
    • Tycee Bell asked for discussion prior to voting on Amy's availability and commitment to the role as there had been some turnover with representation from the state and committee. Tycee also asked for Amy's support needs from the committee.
    • Amy committed to communicating with OFVP, taking notes, sending emails and preparing zoom meetings.
    • In hopes that the NOFO process is completed and the state appointed liaison is able to work directly with the committee to provide further support.
    • The ask to the committee is to actively participate in the action the committee agrees on such as the asset mapping already in progress and anything further the committee decides to work on collectively.
    • No further discussion was raised, with a motion and second already on the floor, Amy called Roll call unanimously approved.
  2. Previous General Meeting Minutes 10/17, and special meeting minutes 10/24/22
    • Moved to be approved at the next meeting Monday December 12, 2022 6:00 p.m.
  3. Update of latest NOFO outreach/promotion
    • Michele Stiff's correct email address for emails from the state - Please send corrected email and ask state to use the correct Email for all communications.
    • Several members uplifted All information to share within our networks should be rebumped with instructions to share - Amy commits to reshare emails sent out from the state with a flag instructions to share within network
    • Amy recapped information from the previous special meeting regarding the NOFO
      • Specific to the Council Coordinator NOFO due 11/9/2022
      • This LAC has the responsibility to share within our networks for an open transparent process for any and all CBO's to apply.
      • It is not the responsibility or authority of this council to select a CBO we otherwise agree to apply. This process is vetted and approved at the state level.
      • Notes from the 10.24 meeting will be sent out.
    • All members agreed to keep this process under B. with intention and hopes that once the NOFO is approved and a liaison is selected this information process will be streamlined with a Joliet LAC social media presence linking back to the website.
  4. New LAC Members
    • Amy raised the question of the minimum number of LAC board members to be in compliance as we are currently at 8 members and we may need to be at an odd number to determine a tiebreaker in the event there is a split vote on action items. Amy agreed to call Felix Ortiz to determine if he is able to continue.
    • Elizabeth Protich advised she asked this question previously when she was liaison and was told there is no minimum some LAC's have over 30 members
    • Michelle Stiff uplifted reviewing RRO in discussing/nominating and/or voting on future members and/or liaison as we did in the beginning of this meeting as these actions should be done in a closed session
    • Amy agreed that is correct. We will take this discussion in a closed session in the future.
  5. Reminder items needing our attention
    1. mandated training due by 12/31/2022 - Email from Awisi Bustos 10/14/22 (attached in distribution of this correspondence) (Text excerpt from 10/17 minutes)
      1. Ethics Training Program for State Employees and Appointees 2022
      2. Harassment and Discrimination Prevention Training 2022
      3. Security Awareness 2022
      4. HIPAA and Privacy Training 2022 (Only Quality Care Board & Mortality Review - Board members are required to attend this training, but all appointees are encouraged to attend)
      5. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Training 2022
    2. Partner Mapping Project Working Document
      • Please add to this list from partners within your network
      • Amy will divide partners currently listed into the appropriate tab
  6. Next Meeting Monday 12/12/2022 recurring zoom link
    • Amy asked if Mondays were the best day of the week for everyone to meet
    • Unsure how we arrived on Mondays as the selected day.
    • All uplift different days and hours
    • For consistency we will keep the 2nd Monday of the month for meetings for December & January
    • We are in hopes the NOFO approved point of contact will be in place by then to determine best days to meet
    • Follow up on ETA of NOFO approval
  7. Motion to Adjourn
    • Dave Jackson motioned, Donnie Chestnut second all in favored voted yes
    • Meeting concluded