Action Memo
This Action Memo provides FCRC staff with information on the 2022 Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) effective January 1, 2023.
- The COLA effective January 01, 2023 is 8.7%.
- The maximum Supplemental Security Income (SSI) for a single person is increased from $841 to $914.
- The maximum SSI for a couple is increased from $1,261 to $1,371.
- The Integrated Eligibility System (IES) has been updated to affect January 2023 Cash and SNAP benefits.
January 2023 COLA Increase
The COLA effective January 1, 2023 is 8.7%. The maximum SSI for a single person is increased from $841 to $914. The maximum SSI for a couple is increased from $1,261 to $1,371.
The 2023 Social Security and SSI benefit amounts have been updated in IES and will affect January 2023 benefits for the following programs:
- AABD Cash,
- TANF and
- RRP Cash.
Family Community Resource Center Action (FCRC)
FCRC staff are responsible for budgeting the actual amount of the January 2023 SSA and/or SSI income for:
- persons excluded from automated income updates to RSDI and/or SSI.
Refer to IES Report "SSA-SSI 02 Exclusion Report (Report ID: IL-LB-112-DLY) See WAG 22-14-03-a for BENDEX and WAG 22-14-03-b for SDX.
Upon receipt of the list of individual incomes not centrally updated by BENDEX/SDX interfaces take the following action:
- determine the reason for the exclusion,
- correctly budget RSDI and SSI for the person(s) excluded from automated RSDI/SSI income updates, and
- correct the problem causing the exclusion, when possible.
- For information on how the 2023 COLA affects medical see Action Memo 2023 COLA Medical Only Updated dated 12/06/2022.
If the FCRC cannot correct the problem causing the exclusion, complete and submit Discrepancy Referral Form IL444-1925 to the SSA Programs Control Unit dhs.ssapc@Illinois.gov. Attach the verification supporting the correct customer information or benefit amount.
signed copy on file]
Grace B. Hou
Secretary, Illinois Department of Human Services
Form Referenced