WAG 06-26-01-b Backdating

PM 06-26-01-b

Determine eligibility for medical backdating for each specific month in the three month backdate period requested.

Example: Applicant applied for Family Planning Standalone in June and requested backdating for each month three months prior to month of application.  The caseworker determined eligibility for March, April and May.  Applicant was approved for months March and May, but denied coverage for April due to being over income.  

Example: Applicant applied for Family Planning Opt-In in June and requested backdating for each month three months prior to month of application.  The caseworker determined eligibility for March, April and May.  Applicant was over income for full medical in March, but met the income standard for Family Planning.  Applicant met income standard for full medical in April and May ongoing. Applicant was approved Family Planning for March and approved for full medical April, May and ongoing.