October 2022 Newsletter

SUPR Staffing Update:

On behalf of the Illinois Department of Human Services/Division of Substance Use Prevention and Recovery (IDHS/SUPR), we are pleased to announce that Sherrine Peyton (she/her/hers) has accepted the position of the State Opioid Settlement Administrator (SOSA). She will join IDHS/SUPR on Tuesday, October 11, 2022, and will be based in Chicago.

Sherrine has over 20 years of experience in social services with an extensive background in strategic planning across the substance use continuum of care. She graduated from Eastern Michigan University with a Bachelor of Science degree.

Sherrine comes with extensive experience having worked at the local, state, and national level on culturally relevant and trauma-informed systemic solutions to substance use prevention and recovery, including serving as the State Coordinator of the Illinois Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant.

For the last eight years Sherrine has developed and grown the Community Collaboration Division at the Kenneth Young Center (KYC). In addition, Sherrine and her team at KYC opened the first LGBTQ+ community.

In 2020, Sherrine was presented with the Cook County "Peggy A. Montes Unsung Heroines Award" by the 15th District Commissioner Kevin Morrison and in 2022, she served on SAMHSA's National Harm Reduction Steering Committee.

Johanna Gonzalez has joined the SUPR team as the Recovery Oriented System of Care (ROSC) Coordinator in the Bureau of Planning, Performance Assessment and Federal Programs.

Please join us in welcoming each member of the SUPR family into their new roles and supporting Sherrine as she embarks on this new and exciting role as State Opioid Settlement Administrator!

SUPR DUI Training:

Register NOW! The next SUPR DUI Training is scheduled for October 11-13th, 2022.

The DUI-specific trainings are designed to meet the certification needs of Illinois DUI service providers including DUI evaluators, Risk Education instructors, social workers, nurses, and substance abuse counselors. Court personnel who work with DUI defendants, such as probation officers and parole officers, can also benefit from the programs.

To register, visit SUPR DUI Training.

Did you know…:

In 2009, the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act (TCA) was signed into federal law. The law allows the FDA to regulate cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, and roll-your-own tobacco. In May of 2016, the FDA finalized a regulation, called the "deeming rule", deeming additional products within the FDA's jurisdiction. ENDS, electronic nicotine devices, and e-liquids, commonly known as vape products, are included in these additional products. In August of 2016, the deeming rule went into effect.

Through a contract with the FDA, IDHS/SUPR's Illinois Tobacco Inspection program conducts compliance check inspections on any retailer selling tobacco products, which includes all deeming rule products. In December of 2019, the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD & C Act) was amended to raise the minimum age for the sale of tobacco products from 18 to 21 years. Other recent developments also include the 2020 banning of flavors, besides menthol and tobacco flavored pods.

Illinois Deflection Initiative:

IDHS is partnering with Illinois State Police (ISP) to expand Deflection across the state. Deflection is a fast-growing initiative in the United States, including Illinois, but what is it? Deflection, in its simplest form, is first responders, including law enforcement and EMS, quickly connecting those they encounter to needed community services in order to support their recovery before they enter the criminal justice system. Deflection offers law enforcement another way to respond to calls for service. Most calls for law enforcement intervention result in either an arrest or a no action taken by law enforcement.

With deflection, when law enforcement encounters a situation that will not result in an arrest, but does require intervention, they can refer people to services in the community, including mental health and substance use treatment. This referral results in a deflection away from the criminal justice system. Deflection does not involve formal criminal justice involvement other than the initial contact with law enforcement. This both helps to remove stigma related to the criminal justice system and can potentially steer people's lives away from criminal justice involvement down the line.

Deflection has many benefits, including reducing crime and the workload of law enforcement, reducing drug use, ensuring individuals are connected with appropriate services, restoring lives, rebuilding community and law enforcement relations, and saving money. Another benefit is that deflection is unique in each community. It is individualized to address each community's needs and available resources.

IDHS/SUPR and TASC have partnered to bring deflection initiatives to East St. Louis and Southern IL - Alexander, Hardin, Johnson, Massac, Pope, Pulaski, Union, and Jefferson Counties. Further Initiatives are in the planning stages for SFY23.

COVID-19 Exceptions:

A gentle reminder that COVID-19 exceptions are still in effect and have no expiration date currently. Services delivered through Telehealth are still acceptable.

Please review the Provider Notice from the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) dated March 20, 2020, "Telehealth Services Expansion Prompted by COVID-19"

IDHS/SUPR has also sent several communications regarding the COVID-19 Exception that you can review.

Recovery Residences Registry

The IDHS/SUPR Recovery Residence Registry has been moved to the Illinois Helpline for Opioids and Other Substances to simplify public inquiries for Recovery Residence. Information in the registry helps IDHS/SUPR better understand recovery residences' capacity and support for Medication Assisted Recovery. If you partner with a residence that is not listed, please invite them to register and/or contact Kimberly.Sriner@illinois.gov to list the organization. Search the Recovery Residences Registry at any time.

Overdose Response Funding Updates:

SUPR publishes a quarterly report summarizing funded projects in response to the overdose crisis. We invite you to review the Overdose Response Funding Report at your convenience.

Smart Alerts and Other Communications:

DHS Coronavirus


The health, safety, and well-being of all those we serve are amongst our highest priorities. Please visit the State of Illinois Coronavirus page.

Summary of SUPR Resources During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Smart Alerts

SUPR COVID-19 Communications