Child Care Advisory Council Meeting
January 28, 2022
Welcome Back!
If you are a Council member, please introduce yourself by typing the following into the chat:
- Name
- Role
- Organization
- Location
UPDATE: OMA Training is unavailable until further notice.
Council members will not be penalized for not completing yet.
Allison Perkins Caldwell
Ann Grecek
Ayesha Calhoun
Brenda Eastham
Brynn Siebert
Carie Bires
Carisa Hurley
Casey Croft-Cortes
Cerathel Burgess-Burnett
Chris Tokarski
Curtis Peace
Dan Harris
Edie Washington
Jamilah Jor`dan
Jenna Kelly
Karen Ross-Williams
Lauri Morrison-Frichtl
Laurie Rhodes
Leslie Cully
Lori Longueville
Marcy Mendenhall
Maricela Garcia
Mykela Collins
Nina Duenas
Ruth Kimble
Sandra Cole
Shauna Ejeh
Stacie Ealey
Tamera Fair
Teri Talan
Tina Staley
Tracy Carls
Vanessa Castro
Vicki Hodges
Virtual Meeting Etiquette
- Please remember to stay on mute if you are not speaking.
- Please feel welcome to turn on your video!
- We recommend dialing in via phone and connecting your phone to your video to avoid internet connectivity issues.
- Send a private chat to Lanette Woodard if you are having technical difficulties.
- Make sure your Zoom name is your own.
- There will be time for comments from the public at the end of the meeting.
- 1:00 - 2:15 pm: Full Council
- Welcome and Introductions
- IDHS Updates:
- CCDF State Plan Approval with Conditions
- Strengthen and Grow Child Care Grant Technical Assistance
- Review and Vote: CCAP Policy Committee Recommendations
- CCAC in 2022
Break: 2:30-2:45 pm
- 2:30 - 3:40pm Committees
- 3:40 - 3:55pm Regroup and Discussion
- 3:55 - 4:00pm Public Comment
IDHS Updates
IDHS Staff Updates
- Kisha Davis is now serving as Interim Bureau Chief for the new Bureau of Collaboration and Partnerships.
- Mike Garner-Jones is now serving as Interim Bureau Chief for the Bureau of Subsidy Management.
- Wendy Williams is IDHS's new Head Start State Collaboration Director.
Update: FFY2022-2024 CCDF State Plan
- The federal Office of Child Care (OCC) has completed its review of Illinois' 2022-2024 CCDF State Plan and it has been approved with conditions.
- Illinois did not fully implement the provisions listed below by the effective date of September 30, 2021.
- 45 CFR §98.21 - Eligibility Determination Processes
- Children turning 13
- Graduated Phase-out
- Protective Services/Intact Family Transfers
- 45 CFR §98.41 - Health and Safety Requirements - Standards
- Group size for single families using license-exempt providers
- Components of the Emergency Preparedness Plan for relocation, practice drills, continuity of operations, and accommodations for infants and toddlers, children with disabilities, and children with chronic medical conditions are needed
- 45 CFR §98.44 - Training and Professional Development
- Pediatric/age-appropriate language for pre-service and ongoing training revisions
- 45 CFR §98.45 - Equal Access
- Registration fees
Update: FFY2022-2024 CCDF State Plan
- A plan is being developed to address these issues through:
- CCAP policy, forms and CCMS revisions;
- Administrative rule changes;
- State Plan response revisions
- Additional research
- Emergency Preparedness Plan review/revisions
- A written reply to OCC on plans to come into compliance will be submitted by Feb. 11, 2022.
- Changes will be announced as revisions are completed.
Update: FFY2022-2024 CCDF State Plan
- Request to waive the requirement to complete a statistically valid and reliable market rate survey and/or ACF pre-approved alternative methodology for child care programs impacted by COVID-19
- Approved effective September 30, 2021, through July 1, 2022 (one year following the July 1,
2021 deadline).
* Request to waive the requirement at 45 CFR §98.45(b)(4) and (f) to complete a narrow cost analysis
for child care programs impacted by COVID-19
* Approved effective September 30, 2021, through July 1, 2022 (one year following the July 1,
2021 deadline).
* Results of the OCC review of 2019-2021 State Plan (Federal Monitoring Review) are expected soon.
Strengthen and Grow Child Care Grants: Technical Assistance
The SGCC application is live on the INCCRRA website! The application window will close Friday, January 28.
Technical Assistance Available Now
Tip Sheets
- Flyer
- Choosing Between Grant Programs
- Preparing to Apply
- Application Budget Worksheet
- Technical Assistance Webinar Recording and Slides
- INCCRRA Help Line and Email
- Support from CCR&Rs as available
Preparations for Additional Technical Assistance in 2022
- Family Child Care Provider Toolkit
- Additional online modules/recorded webinars
- Recorded trainings
- Phone/Virtual 1:1 support
- Virtual office hours
- Peer learning networks
What have you heard from your community and network about how the application process is going?
CCAP Policy Committee Recommendations
Recommendations for Approval: CCAP Policy Committee
Child Care Advisory Council in 2022
We are beginning a new year together!
Due February 4: Please complete the CCAC Beginning of Year Survey sent by Beth Knight at INCCRRA.
What will remain the same for 2022
- Council membership*
- Committee membership*
- Bimonthly meeting schedule
What will need updating for 2022
Committee charges, informed by:
* Quantitative and qualitative data on COVID-19 in
child care
- Any updates on Build Back Better
- Results from Federal Monitoring Review
- Ongoing CCAP participation trends
- CCRG and Strengthen and Grow data to date
- Geographic Equity and Adequacy Mapping results
- Early Childhood Enrollment Campaign
- Other?
* Others TBD, based on survey responses
Checking In: COVID-19 in Child Care
IDHS has made the following changes to CCAP services provided in January and February 2022:
- Licensed family child care homes may apply for a CCAP Attendance Exemption for days when CCAP enrollment is below 50%. This policy is already in effect for licensed child care centers.
- Payments for licensed and license-exempt child care centers will be based on eligible days if the total number of days attended for all children at the center location are at least 50% of the eligible days. Payments for licensed and license- exempt child care home providers will be based on eligible days if the total number of days attended for all children in the family are 50% of the family's eligible days.
How are families and child care providers in your community faring through the COVID-19 surge?
Early Childhood Enrollment Campaign Status Update
January 28, 2022
What is the Problem Illinois Seeks to Solve?
Governor's Office of Early Childhood Development (GOECD) 2
- Enrollment is down in early childhood education and care (ECEC) programs across Illinois' mixed delivery system.
- The pandemic surfaced the need for State Agencies to provide relevant, timely, and tailored information to families within their local communities.
Governor's Office of Early Childhood Development (GOECD) 3
As part of Illinois' Learning Renewal efforts, Governor's Emergency Education Relief (GEER) II
funding has been allocated to support:
- Development of an early childhood awareness and enrollment campaign that has statewide reach, is tailored locally, and focuses on family and community engagement strategies that promote the importance of early learning and the availability of early childhood programs and supports to families.
- Statewide rollout of Ready4K, an evidence-based text messaging curriculum offered to up to 157,000 Illinois families in multiple languages.
- In a series of randomized control trials, this approach has been shown to increase child development by two to three months over the course of a school year, which is key for Learning Recovery following the pandemic "year".
- Ready4K also provides a trusted vehicle through which the State can deliver custom messages directly to families.
Governor's Office of Early Childhood Development (GOECD) 4
Strategy (continued)
- Additionally, IDHS will fund a community-based grant program to support local outreach.
- IDHS will also contribute funds toward statewide saturation and reach for the marketing campaign.
Governor's Office of Early Childhood Development (GOECD) 5
What Have We Done to Date?
Governor's Office of Early Childhood Development (GOECD) 6
Governor's Office of Early Childhood Development (GOECD) 7
Initial Research
- While awaiting GEER II contract execution, IDHS utilized COVID relief dollars to fund initial parent and provider research, conducted between June - August 2021.
- Research Objective - Better understand families' motivations and barriers to using local programs and services and develop a directional consumer profile that drives communication development and implementation.
Governor's Office of Early Childhood Development (GOECD) 8
Summary: Parent Insight Report
High-Level Summary of Parent Attitudes & Behaviors
- ECEC services are a must-have
- Socialization concerns are high
- Parent fear and guilt enrolling their children into
programs is amplified by concerns about the pandemic
- Pursuing benefits is cumbersome
- Trust/reassurance is key for initial enrollment
- Families need to feel understood/supported
- Social proof/word of mouth matters
- COVID safety protocols are appreciated
- Happy child = happier parent (seeing is believing)
- ECEC services shape aspirations for their child's future
Governor's Office of Early Childhood Development (GOECD) 9
Summary: Parent Insight Report (continued)
Early Childhood Enrollment Campaign Messaging
- Should make families feel hopeful
- Explain what life/the future can be once families get the support and care they need
- Engage families with visuals of happy, thriving
? Demonstrate ease of access to quality care and
supports where and when families need it
Governor's Office of Early Childhood Development (GOECD) 10
Family Engagement
Governor's Office of Early Childhood Development (GOECD) 11
Early Learning Council (ELC) Family Advisory Committee (FAC)
- We are very excited to report that in August 2021 the ELC FAC voted to serve as an advisory team to support both the enrollment campaign and Ready4K statewide rollout efforts!
- FAC parents expressed enthusiasm for the rollout of Ready4K.
- At the FAC's October meeting, GOECD presented, in detail and in an
interactive format, the Parent Insight Report.
? FAC parents strongly agreed with the majority of the findings and asked
insightful questions that will inform the way we message to families.
Governor's Office of Early Childhood Development (GOECD) 12
Project Work: Updates and Next Steps
Governor's Office of Early Childhood Development (GOECD) 13
Governor's Office Communications Support
- To help inform strategy and geotargeting and to streamline branding/creative decision-making within the Governor's Office for the enrollment campaign, joining GOECD will be:
- Charity Green, Associate Communications Director, Office of the Governor
- Charity directly supported the statewide All in Illinois campaign
Governor's Office of Early Childhood Development (GOECD) 14
- October 2021.
- The subcontract between INCCRRA and 1o8, the advertising/marketing firm supporting the statewide enrollment campaign, was executed
- Weekly implementation meetings GOECD, INCCRRA and 1o8
- December 2021
- 12/8/21 Briefing to IAT. Information gathering began from state partners on enrollment goals.
- 12/6/21 Initial Creative Brief approved by Governor's Office Comms Team, GOECD and INCCRRA.
Decision made to use Illinois Cares for Kids branding with the tag paid for by the State of Illinois.
? 12/17/21 Three creative concepts presented to GOECD and INCCRRA. Concepts were also forwarded
to Governor's Office Comms Team for review.
- January 2022
- Approval of one concept and conceptual storyboards presented to GOECD, Governor's Office
Comms Team, and INCCRRA
? Public launch is expected in March 2022.
Governor's Office of Early Childhood Development (GOECD) 15
- October 2021
- October 18, 2021, The subcontract between INCCRRA and Ready4K was executed
- October 28, 2021. Official kick-off, focused on family enrollment strategies, took place on.
- Weekly implementation meetings with GOECD, Ready4K, and INCCRRA began
- December 2021
- Decision made to use Illinois Cares for Kids branding with the tag paid for by the State of
- INCCRRA has hired a Marketing Specialist to support these efforts.
- January/February 2022.
- INCCRRA focus on adding a sign-up webpage to the Illinois Cares for Kids website.
? Public launch is expected in March 2022.
Governor's Office of Early Childhood Development (GOECD) 16
Thank you!
Lori Orr
Director of Workforce Policy
Governor's Office of Early Childhood Development (GOECD)
Rebecca Livengood
Director Strategic Communications
Governor's Office of Early Childhood Development (GOECD) 1717
Return at 2:45 pm
Thank you!
Next meeting:
March 23, 2022 from 1:00-4:00pm