HCBS Settings Compliance Countdown: 161 Days
Speak Up at Feedback Sessions on Draft Final Statewide Transition Plan - October 11 and 12
Last week, the Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS), the State's Medicaid Agency, released the Draft Final Statewide Transition Plan (STP), which lays out the activities the State has and will take to address Home and Community-Based Settings (HCBS) compliance statewide, public education webinars and upcoming public feedback webinars hosted by HFS. In addition to the feedback webinars/sessions, stakeholders can submit comments to HFS. The link to the Public Notice-Final Illinois Statewide Transition Plan is online.
Illinois Department of Human Services' (IDHS) Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) Feedback Sessions are listed below. Next week's DDD specific feedback sessions will offer a very brief overview of DDD activities towards compliance. Please review the HFS info session recording prior to the feedback sessions if you want more details on the STP. Did you miss the HFS information session? Check out the Transition Plan website.
As always, you can offer feedback in writing as well. Comments may be submitted at the three web-based Public Feedback sessions, by e-mail to HFS.SWTransitionPlan@illinois.gov or via written comments which can be mailed to:
The Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services
Attn: Waiver Management
201 South Grand Ave East, Fl 2
Springfield, IL 62763
One More Week to Complete the Provider Attestation
Thank you to the more than 50 percent of providers who have completed the attestation that they have implemented the HCBS Settings Rule requirements related to residency agreements, lockable doors and the modification process through the new person centered planning process. We need 100 percent participation from all providers with provider controlled sites. Here is the attestation. It will take less than a minute to complete. It simply requires the provider to input contact information and check three boxes. Providers with provider controlled sites need only attest ONCE that you are complying at all sites. You can email DHS.HCBS@illinois.gov with questions.
Reminder: Office Hours Focused on Best Practices and Compliance Action Plans (CAPs)
As the DDD works to send validation letters and CAPs, the following office hours are being offered on specific components of the HCBS Settings Rule Compliance. Please bring your questions, concerns, and best practices to share. For ease, the office hours have been assigned a specific topic and area of compliance.
Join from the meeting link (same for all meetings)
Tuesday/Thursday 10:00-11:00 AM CT
- Sept 20 - Community access (1), Recording link:
- Sept 22 - Privacy, dignity and respect, freedom from coercion and restraint (3), Recording link:
- Sept 27 - Visitors (including discussion of 4c choices with whom to interact) (7), Recording
- Sept 29 - Provider controlled issues surrounding home setting (privacy, locked doors, roommates, furnish & decorate) (10), Recording link:
- Oct 4 - Freedom to control schedule and activities (including discussion of 4a choices of daily activities) (4, 6), Recording link:
- Oct 6 - Physical accessibility of sites (including discussion of 4b physical accessibility) (4, 8), Recording link:
- Oct 11 - Choices of supports and who providers them (5)
- Oct 13 - Residential Agreements (9)
- Oct 18 - Modifications (11)
( ) - Indicates the specific HCBS Settings compliance area as reflected in the tool and the CAPs. Apologies that recordings do not always start at the beginning of the office hours!