HCBS Settings Compliance Update: 207 days

HCBS Settings Compliance Update: 207 days

Office Hours Change: No Office Hours August 23

DDD is moving office hours from weekly on Tuesdays to monthly on the first Tuesday of each month, since we have seen a significant decrease in the number of immediate questions that need to be addressed. As such, the next office hours will be Tuesday, September 6 at 10:00 a.m. This means tomorrow's office hours have been canceled.

The link for the next office hours is available:

Validation Update

Thanks to DDD, HFS and PCG Validators who have worked tirelessly to complete validations, less than 50 sites still need to be validated. Staff will now be moving to focus on validation letters, compliance action plans and completing policy validations as quickly as possible.

Unfortunately, there remain a few sites and organizations that have not yet submitted site or policy evidence. If you receive a call from DDD staff regarding missing site or policy evidence, please respond immediately. If DDD does not get a response, the site and/or organization will be considered noncompliant and receive a compliance action plan. CAPs must be returned within 14 days and activities confirmed complete within 60 days. If you receive a CAP, please review the letter and follow the instructions and timeframe. Questions can be submitted via email at DHS.HCBS@illinois.gov. DDD is committed to working with all organizations to ensure settings compliance, so please respond accordingly.