August 12, 2022 DDD Communication

Good morning:


* As a reminder, individuals who utilize participant-directed personal support workers are required to submit timesheets to ACES$ within three (3) months of the service date. This policy has been in place since January 1, 2019. The Information Bulletin is: IDHS: Timely reporting of Service Hours by Participant-Directed Personal Support Workers (


Attached to this communication is the Rule 116 Review Tool. As was previously communicated, Health Facilities Surveillance Nurses will be asking all providers to provide policies and procedures that address standards 100-105. Please be prepared to have these policies and procedures available for your next Rule 116 Review.


The deadline for DDD Fee-For-Service (FFS) providers to submit all billing and corrected billing for State Fiscal Year 2022 (FY2022) services and supports is this Monday, August 15, 2022, by 5:00pm. In addition to this, DDD Grants which require Service Reporting through ROCS including 50D (51A - 51L), In-Home Respite (87D), and Residential Respite (89D) are also due Monday, August 15, 2022, by 5:00pm.

DDD Fee-For-Service (FFS) programs include but are not limited to: 17D, 19D, 31C, 31S (ended 3/31/2022), 31U, 31V, 35U, 36G, 36U (started 01/01/2022), 37U, 38C, 38G (started 04/01/2022), 39G (ended 12/31/2021), 39U, 41D, 42D, 50A, 51A - L, 52O, 52P, 52S, 53D, 53E, 53H, 53R, 53S, 53T, 53V, 55A, 55D, 55L, 55N 55P, 55T, 56U, 57G, 57U, 58G, 58U, 61H, 62H, 63H, 65H (ended 12/31/2021), 67D, 67E & 67O, 73D, 75H, 75M, 75O,and 75Z billing.

Billing for DDD Grants must be submitted by Friday, August 26, 2022, at 5:00 pm. DDD Grants include the following: Dental (400), Epilepsy (250), Autism Awareness (450-12), Best Buddies (450-03), Family Advocate (450-14), Latino Outreach (450-13), Special Olympics & Special Children's Charities (450-21), Special Olympics (450-04), Lifespan Special Project (450-02), DD Transition (450-18), Access for Illinois Children with Autism (450-27), Illinois Respite Coalition Lifespan Respite Care (450-31), Independent Service Coordination (600), Voucher Respite (880), Competitive Integrated Employment Capacity Grant (450-40), Autism Awareness Project (450-25), SODC Project (450-28), DSP Training, and Person Centered Planning.

The FFS and Grant Service Reporting must be submitted to ROCS and Grant billing and received by the Division by the above specified dates so that all required processes are completed by August 31, 2022, the cut-off date set by Fiscal Services.

NOTE: Only 60D CILA is not subject to this cut-off. We are unsure, and everyone should assume that Hourly Intermittent CILA (Bill Codes 61H, 62H and 63H) have the same lapse period billing deadline as all other bill codes (other than 60D).


Currently, there over 1,000 individuals receiving CILA services who do not have a Health Care Level (HCL) score due to missing or incomplete health information via the web-based application of the Health Risk Screening Tool (HRST). The cost for using the web based HRST is currently funded in each person's CILA rate through "Miscellaneous Consultants." Use of and maintaining current individual health information in the web based HRST is also part of your agency's contractual responsibilities as specified in Attachment A. While there may be individuals who have not been entered into the web-based application at all, the DDD is not able to track that at this time. Currently, the DDD is using the score that was submitted via the paper based HRST, but that cannot be used as of January 1, 2023.

As of January 1, 2023, pending federal CMS approval, the Division will begin using the individual's electronic health care information from the HRST as an additional input factor in calculating a person's staffing levels in CILA. This is being implemented as part of the recommendations from the Guidehouse Rate Study. To accomplish this, the DDD is planning to have a data merge with the web-based application and update all HCLs to reflect what is in the web-based application. The HCL scores from HRST will affect the individual's CILA reimbursement rate both positively and negatively. If the individual currently does not have an HCL score, the rate for 24-hour CILA will decrease.

Please work to ensure that the HCLs are accurate and up to date in the web based HRST for all CILA residents. Please do NOT submit updated nursing packets or HCL scores via the ISC and Birdseye systems unless the individual has a change in their medical needs. If you need assistance with HRST please contact:


As you are likely aware, the federal government has declared Monkey Pox Virus (MPV) a public health emergency. The Division wanted to provide some basic information on MPV.

MPV is a virus that spreads in different ways. The Illinois Department of Public Health website indicates MPV can spread in many ways including as follows:

  • Direct contact with infected skin rash, lesions, scabs, or body fluids
  • Respiratory droplets during extended face-to-face contact or during intimate physical contact, such as kissing, cuddling, or sex
  • Contact with contaminated materials or objects (like clothing, towels, or linens) previously touched by infectious rash or body fluids
  • Coming into contact with an infected animal either by being scratched or bitten by the animal or by preparing or eating meat or using products from an infected animal
  • Pregnant people may spread the virus to their fetus through the placenta

Individuals are infectious as soon as signs and symptoms appear. The illness typically lasts for 2-4 weeks.

MPV illness begins with:

  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Muscle aches
  • Backache
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Chills
  • Exhaustion

Anyone can get monkeypox. The risk of MPV increases with close, skin to skin contact with others. To lower the risk of contracting MPV, limit direct physical contact between yourself and others in crowded places and situations.

For a full listing of prevention and control measures, please visit the IDPH website: Prevention and Control Measures (


The Office of the Illinois State Treasurer is conducting a survey on the Illinois ABLE ("Achieving a Better Life Experience") Program. By completing this short survey (link below), you will help build understanding about the needs of Illinoisans with disabilities and their families in building a healthy financial life. The survey takes about 10 minutes to complete, and responses will be completely anonymous.

Those who complete the survey will receive a $5 e-gift card as a thank-you.

Click to sign up to take the survey Sincerely,

Sarah Myerscough-Mueller
Interim Director - Division of Developmental Disabilities
Illinois Department of Human Services
401 S. Clinton St., 6th Floor Chicago, IL 60607
O: (217) 524-2512

The information contained herein should not be considered a substitute for the appropriate official statutes, rules, regulations, or the advice of legal counsel.

To request to be added to our email database, or to update your contact and service information, please complete our Contact Survey.

Information provided will help us to better tailor communications to you in the future.