HCBS Settings Compliance Countdown: 238 days
The Division would like to extend our thanks to providers that have and continue to respond to questions and requests for information regarding evidence and onsite interviews. Thanks also to the validators who are tirelessly reviewing evidence. The Division appreciates everyone's focus on this important work and the efforts by all to fulfill the federal requirements.
The HCBS Settings Office Hours will resume next week on Tuesday, July 26 at 10:00 a.m. (Link to Join).
As a reminder, site validation letters and Compliance Action Plans (CAPs) are currently going out to providers. Thank you to those that have been responsive in returning the CAPs within the required timeframes. Please note, once the CAP activities are complete, the provider will confirm within 60 days of sending the CAP back to the Division that they have completed the items outlined and attest to completion by signing the CAP. Please DO NOT send copies of the evidence as proof that you have implemented the changes. The Division reserves the right to request copies of documents and further evidence of the activities outlined in the CAP. The completed CAP will be shared with BQM and BALC for use in their future reviews.
Illinois Department of Human ServicesJB Pritzker, Governor · Dulce M. Quintero, Secretary
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