PM 03-11-02.
Member With an SSN
If a person provides an SSN:
- Verify the SSN by viewing the client's Social Security Card or a document such as a driver's license or other card with their signature or photo.
- Enter the SSN as shown on the document on AIS screen #3C, or in Item 60 on Form 552.
Member Without an SSN
If the member does not have an SSN and has not applied for one through SSA, take the following actions:
- Tell the person that an application for an SSN is a condition of eligibility (Does not apply to newborns receiving medical only (see WAG 03-11-05-a).
- Complete Form 3168. Issue one copy to the client and place a copy in the case record.
- Give the person Form 3168 and Form 267 or Form 1721 and tell them to report to the local Social Security District Office. Tell the client they must give SSA proof of age, identity, and citizen/INS status.
- Allow the client 10 calendar days to return proof that an application for an SSN has been filed.
- Document in the case record the date proof of filing for an SSN is received in the case record.
- Tell the client to report the SSN to us upon receipt.
For persons who refuse or fail to comply with SSN policy see WAG 03-11-04 .
Member Applied for an SSN through SSA
If a member has applied for an SSN before applying for Food Stamps:
- Accept the client's statement and tell them to report when they get the SSN.
- The SSN requirement is met for 2 fiscal months.
- If the client does not get SSN by the end of the 2nd fiscal month, ask them to provide proof that they applied for the SSN through SSA.
If the client provides proof that they applied for an SSN through SSA, good cause exists and the SSN requirement is met with no other action needed.
- If the client cannot provide proof, tell them that they are ineligible for cash assistance and food stamps.
For persons who refuse or fail to comply with SSN policy see WAG 03-11-04. Following are examples of the SSN requirement timeframes.
Regular Application Process
Example: FS Unit applies during the June fiscal month and includes a member who has applied for an SSN prior to applying for food stamps. The member is included in the case for the June fiscal month and the July fiscal
month (the 2nd month) while awaiting receipt of the SSN. If the SSN is not received by the end of the July fiscal month, determine if good cause exists. If the client provides proof of a pending application, the member is eligible for the August fiscal
month (the next month) based on good cause.
Expedited Application Process
Example 1: The FS unit applied during the first 15 days of the June fiscal month and is entitled to expedited service. A unit member does not have an SSN and does not apply for an SSN. Until the member verifies that
they applied for an SSN, they are only eligible to be included for the month of June.
Example 2: The FS unit applied after the 15th day of the June fiscal month and is entitled to expedited service. A unit member does not have an SSN and does not apply for an SSN. Until the member verifies that they have
applied for an SSN, that member is only eligible for the months of June and July.