HCBS Settings Compliance Countdown: 295 days
Dear Providers,
Thank you for all your work to help responding to the Division's requests for information and evidence related to the statewide transition plan and compliance with the federal HCBS Settings Rule.
As you know, this is a huge task. The Division through HFS has contracted with an independent third party, Public Consulting Group (PCG) to support the validation effort. Specifically, PCG will conduct on-site assessments and review corresponding site evidence. PCG is a nationally recognized public-sector consulting firm with extensive experience conducting similar on-site assessments in other states.
In the coming weeks, PCG will be reaching out to begin scheduling on-site assessments. Providers operating multiple locations should be aware the on-site assessments are scheduled based on location and not by provider. PCG staff will have identification badges to make themselves known to both staff and people receiving services.
Thank you again for your continued attention to the HCBS Settings Rule compliance requirements. If you have any questions, you can email DHS.HCBS@illinois.gov or attend Tuesday 10 am office hours.
Allison Stark