Danville LAC Meeting 2 Minutes

Thursday, May 12, 2022, 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Via Zoom


  1. Roll Call
  2. Review and Approve Previous Meeting Minutes
  3. Appoint LAC Lead Contact
  4. Determine Schedule for Summer Meetings
  5. Discuss and Complete Summer Recommendations Exercise
  6. Other Business
  7. Next Meeting
  8. Adjourn


  1. Roll Call
    • Attendees: Jaclyn Vinson, Rev. Christopher Easton, Ed Butler, Frank McCollough, Dr. Dale DeNeal
    • Quorum was reached
  2. Review and Approve Previous Meeting Minutes - N/A
  3. Appoint LAC Lead Contact - N/A
  4. Determine Schedule for Summer Meetings - N/A
  5. Discuss and Complete Summer Recommendations Exercise - LAC members requested if they could receive data of how many reoccurring offenders are causing the firearm violence vs new offenders.
  6. Other Business - None
  7. Next Meeting - N/A
  8. Adjourn