HCBS Settings Countdown: 301 days

HCBS Settings Compliance Countdown: 301 days

Thank you to those who submitted evidence on Wednesday, May 18 for their 21-50 sites. Eighty-two percent of sites have submitted evidence. If you have not yet submitted site evidence, please email DHS.HCBS@illinois.gov to let us know you are aware that you must do this. DDD staff will be reaching out.

Reminder, June 15 is the next date for submission of all remaining sites. Remember that evidence submission NOW is critical so that there is enough time to address any concerns before the March 2023 deadline!

HCBS Settings Office Hours

Tuesday, 10:00 am - link to join.

New Resource! Plain Language/Accessible Residency Agreement Template

Thanks to CQL for offering an Accessible/Plain Language Residency Agreement Sample which can be found under Resources on the IDHS: Division of Developmental Disabilities HCBS Settings Rule Compliance (state.il.us) webpage.

HCBS Settings Webinar Recording

Check out the ICDD and CQL webinar on the settings rule for people receiving services. 

Webinar: ACL/CMS Promising Practices Webinar Series: Key Updates on the HCBS Settings Rule

Webinar: ACL/CMS Promising Practices Webinar Series: Key Updates on the HCBS Settings Rule

ACL and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) invite you to a webinar in our Promising Practices Series: Key Updates on the HCBS Settings Rule on Wednesday, May 25, 2022 from 2:00PM EST - 3:00 PM ET. The March 2023 end of the transition period for implementation of the Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Settings Rule is fast approaching. Join ACL and CMS to learn more about the current state of the transition, as well important updates on the implementation of the Rule and expectations for states and providers moving forward.

For more information or call-in details.