HCBS Settings Countdown: 315 days

HCBS Settings Countdown: 315 days

HCBS Office Hours - CANCELED on Tuesday, May 10

With apologies, there is conflict this Tuesday for office hours. HCBS office hours will resume Tuesday, May 17.

Validations and Compliance Action Process

Site validations have started. For sites that are found in compliance, the contact person identified through the HFS Portal, will receive an email with a validation letter notifying them that their site has been found in compliance. For sites where a compliance issue has been identified, the identified contact person will receive an email with a letter notifying them that a Compliance Action Plan (CAP) will be needed. This email will include examples of activities they could completed to achieve compliance. Providers will have 14 days/2 weeks to fill out the CAP and return it to the DHS.HCBS@illinois.gov email. The provider will have 60 days to address the activities they have committed to and confirm to the same email that those activities have been completed. The deadlines are total days, not working days. Once confirmation is received, the site will receive the validation letter. We hope to share the CAP and examples next week so you can see what to expect.