Danville LAC Kick Off Meeting

Objectives: To meet to discuss review of the toolkit, profiles, next steps, and action items.

  1. How does this align/not align with what you know about your community?
  2. How does this data help you start shaping your goals?
  3. What additional information do you need to inform your decisions?
  • Members discussed how working in youth services this is not surprising data. Members noted it was sad to see GSW numbers. Members also discussed resident subsections, areas of gun violence and representative points.
  • Members discussed how this data can begin to help shape goals in the following areas:
    • Housing in Danville is an issue. Invest in a mechanism to help Danville housing stock.
    • Increasing owner occupy number
    • Increase income
    • Connect people to resources and training programs
    • Behavior of juvenile males who are displaced from the school system
    • Have a way for volunteers to get hands dirty in meaningful ways would be helpful
  • Members would like further information on what has led efforts to talk about gun violence every single day. Members would also like more information on how much funding might be available in the city and where. Members would like officials from the city/government to be part of this effort and inquire about it. Members also discussed how to make referrals for additional members to join the council.