Waukegan-North Chicago Cluster LAC Kick Off meeting

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

2:00 pm to 4:00 p.m.

via Zoom

Objectives: To meet to discuss review of the toolkit, profiles, next steps, and action items.

  • How does this align/not align with what you know about your community?
  • How does this data help you start shaping your goals?
  • What additional information do you need to inform your decisions?

Members noted they were familiar with data presented.

Members noted more information to help support and inform discussions:

  • Data that speaks to years of potential lives lost due to homicides related to firearm violence.
  • Delineation of people injured by gunshots (can this data be pulled across multiple years, I.e., 2017 - 2021).
  • Fatal vs. nonfatal
  • Tracking for nonfatal shootings - how best can data be obtained?
  • Demographic information related to the victims
  • Age, ethnicity, etc.
  • Data on gun ownership
  • Broken down by ethnicity, other significant demographics
  • Add to the educational data - individuals that have dropped out of high school
  • Is there a correlation to being identified as being at most risk for firearm violence?
  • Looking at the intersection between community violence and domestic violence
  • Data on mental health and substance abuse (Data may not be clean - would need to be aggregated to obtain levels of MH and or substance abuse).
  • What is the rate of shooters with mental health issues?
  • What is the rate of shooters that suffer from substance abuse?
  • What is the rate of shooters that come from single family households?