Aurora LAC Kick Off Meeting

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

2:00 pm to 4:00 p.m.

via Zoom

Objectives: To meet to discuss review of the toolkit, profiles, next steps, and action items.

  • How does this align/not align with what you know about your community?
  • How does this data help you start shaping your goals?
  • What additional information do you need to inform your decisions?

Members agreed that the data presented, and profiles provided to them does represent the community. A discussion on how this data helps start shaping goals began, which included reflections on how People are feeling safer now and better about the community. The revitalization of the Aurora downtown has been an amazing change. The school districts are continuing to struggle financially as shared in the group discussion.

Members also discussed policing and it was noted policing has had a lot to do with the perception in Aurora. Community policing has changed. The relationship with young people and community policing has changed. Additional points noted:

There is a lot of cultural segregation. Latino population is on the east side of aurora.

60505 - 75% identify as Hispanic. Organized gangs in this area.

Need to pinpoint the areas and the populations where gun violence is happening in Aurora.

Members would like more information on the demographics for shooting victims, demographics for those convicted of the shootings and shooting incident data by zip code.