Challenges with Upload to HFS Portal?
HFS has increased the maximum size for site evidence from one site to 100MB. If you are using photos, please save them in low resolution. We now would discourage using videos as we are concerned about the zip drive size per site. Please zip your folder as that might help with the size. Review to make sure you aren't sending full documents of person centered plans or implementation strategies but instead are sending just the relevant pages. If you continue to have issues, please email DHS.HCBS@illinois.gov.
Clarification re: Sexual Education
We wanted to clarify that for the organizational policies, please do submit your policy around providing access to sexual health/sexual safety trainings for people you are supporting. On an office hours, we said you needed to have those policies just as a legislative requirement but in fact we are asking them for settings related validation as well.
Response to Questions Regarding Medicine and Restraint
Psychotropic medications, when prescribed by a doctor, do not constitute a chemical restraint but are considered to be a modification of rights under the Settings Rule and therefore must be noted in the Person-centered Plan and Implementation strategy. As with all modifications, the need for the psychotropic drugs must be periodically revisited to determine if it is still necessary or if an alternative intervention might be warranted.
Updated Frequently Asked Questions
* Don't miss the IDHS: Residency Agreement Frequently Asked Questions 3-24-22 (state.il.us) and updated Frequently Asked Questions 2-25-22. We will continue to respond to questions as the arise and will eventually incorporate all FAQs together. Check outIDHS: Division of Developmental Disabilities HCBS Settings Rule Compliance under resources for the initial FAQ and the new webinar FAQs.
DDD HCBS Settings Office Hours
* Reminder, every Tuesday at 10 am, you can bring your questions to office hours. There is no registration, just a link to join.