Indicator 2: Services in Natural Environments

Instructions and Measurement

Monitoring Priority: Early Intervention Services In Natural Environments

Results indicator: Percent of infants and toddlers with IFSPs who primarily receive early intervention services in the home or community-based settings. (20 U.S.C. 1416(a)(3)(A) and 1442)

Data Source

Data collected under section 618 of the IDEA (IDEA Part C Child Count and Settings data collection in the EDFacts Metadata and Process System (EMAPS)).


Percent = [(# of infants and toddlers with IFSPs who primarily receive early intervention services in the home or community-based settings) divided by the (total # of infants and toddlers with IFSPs)] times 100.


Sampling from the State's 618 data is not allowed.

Describe the results of the calculations and compare the results to the target.

The data reported in this indicator should be consistent with the State's 618 data reported in Table 2. If not, explain.

2 - Indicator Data

Historical Data

Baseline Year Baseline Data
2005 88.80%
FFY 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Target 90.00% 90.00% 90.00% 90.00% 90.00%
Data 98.71% 98.72% 98.92% 98.87% 99.23%


FFY 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
Target 90.00% 95.00% 95.50% 96.00% 96.50% 97.00%

Targets: Description of Stakeholder Input

Stakeholder input was gathered from several sources. Proposed targets were reviewed with Illinois Interagency Council on Early Intervention (IICEI) members as well as Child and Family Connections Managers. The target-setting guide from DaSy was used to support these discussions. Stakeholders commented on the challenge of setting rigorous yet achievable targets given the recent impact of the pandemic but lauded the Bureau's transparency with sharing the data for informed decision-making.

Prepopulated Data

Source Date Description Data
SY 2020-21 EMAPS IDEA Part C Child Count and Settings Survey; Section A: Child Count and Settings by Age 07/08/2021 Number of infants and toddlers with IFSPs who primarily receive early intervention services in the home or community-based settings 12,095
SY 2020-21 EMAPS IDEA Part C Child Count and Settings Survey; Section A: Child Count and Settings by Age 07/08/2021 Total number of infants and toddlers with IFSPs 12,122

FFY 2020 SPP/APR Data

Number of infants and toddlers with IFSPs who primarily receive early intervention services in the home or community-based settings Total number of Infants and toddlers with IFSPs FFY 2019 Data FFY 2020 Target FFY 2020 Data Status Slippage
12,095 12,122 99.23% 90.00% 99.78% Met target No Slippage

Provide additional information about this indicator (optional).

2 - Prior FFY Required Actions


2 - OSEP Response

The State provided targets for FFYs 2020 through 2025 for this indicator, and OSEP accepts those targets.

2 - Required Actions - NA

1 91.00% 4.09% 95.09% 87.78% 10.56% 98.33%
**2 91.54% 7.84% 99.37% 97.75% 2.25% 100.00%
3 75.57% 14.01% 89.58% 63.29% 35.86% 99.16%
**4 95.92% 4.08% 100.00% 93.22% 6.78% 100.00%
**5 94.36% 5.64% 100.00% 93.36% 6.64% 100.00%
*6 89.97% 10.03% 100.00% 81.26% 18.74% 100.00%
*7 98.52% 1.48% 100.00% 96.36% 3.64% 100.00%
*8 97.75% 1.92% 99.66% 97.85% 2.15% 100.00%
*9 87.82% 11.03% 98.85% 94.70% 4.77% 99.47%
*10 97.04% 1.80% 98.84% 98.12% 0.84% 98.95%
*11 95.40% 4.51% 99.91% 93.37% 6.57% 99.93%
*12 99.11% 0.81% 99.92% 99.75% 0.25% 100.00%
13 85.33% 13.59% 98.91% 85.60% 13.60% 99.20%
14 81.13% 17.84% 98.97% 91.65% 8.11% 99.75%
**15 86.94% 11.92% 98.86% 89.02% 10.78% 99.80%
16 71.68% 27.72% 99.40% 75.68% 24.32% 100.00%
17 81.62% 16.22% 97.84% 78.42% 20.86% 99.28%
18 35.33% 62.87% 98.20% 32.67% 67.33% 100.00%
19 76.42% 21.50% 97.93% 58.93% 39.64% 98.57%
20 94.58% 4.88% 99.46% 98.81% 0.79% 99.60%
21 97.80% 2.20% 100.00% 94.80% 5.20% 100.00%
22 98.18% 1.82% 100.00% 99.57% 0.43% 100.00%
23 97.90% 2.10% 100.00% 93.94% 6.06% 100.00%
24 91.72% 7.59% 99.31% 95.83% 4.17% 100.00%
**25 91.69% 7.82% 99.51% 89.19% 10.81% 100.00%
Statewide 90.69% 8.54% 99.23% 89.73% 10.05% 99.78%
*Chicago - Cook County 94.70% 4.78% 99.48% 95.21% 4.50% 99.71%
*Suburban - Cook County 95.26% 4.72% 99.97% 91.03% 8.97% 100.00%
** Collar Counties (2, 4, 5, 15, * 25) 91.62% 7.88% 99.50% 92.21% 7.72% 99.93%
Downstate (All Others) 82.02% 16.08% 98.09% 81.52% 18.01% 99.53%

*Cook County Offices:

  • CFC 6 - North Suburban
  • CFC 7 - West Suburban
  • CFC 8 - Southwest Chicago
  • CFC 9 - Central Chicago
  • CFC 10 - Southeast Chicago
  • CFC 11 - North Chicago
  • CFC 12 - South Suburban